
Mid/Long-Term Plans of Teikyo University Junior College
Mid/Long-Term Plans of Teikyo University Junior College

Message from President Yoshihito Okinaga

The School Philosophy of Teikyo University Junior College (hereinafter referred to as "the university") is ""to nurture students with creativity, humanity, and expertise through practical learning, who can acquire a broad range of knowledge and make judgments from an international perspective, based on effort and without prejudice." The university was founded in order to realize this ideal through higher education.

In order to realize the ideals of the School Philosophy, the university's educational philosophy provides a guideline for students, describing "a way of life in which one acts with an awareness of one's own problems and takes responsibility for the results of one's own actions." We consider "One's Way"—in other words, the idea of standing on one's own and having self-discipline—to be the fundamental philosophy for the teaching activities of our staff as well as the learning activities of our students.

In addition, in order to train human resources in line with the School Philosophy, it is important to cultivate a good balance of will, wisdom, judgment, and spiritual capacity, or in other words, knowledge, affection, and will. As specific educational guidelines to this end, we emphasize "practical learning" to acquire logical thinking through practice, "international perspectives" to learn and experience cross-cultural understanding, and "open-mindedness" to learn a wide range of necessary knowledge and skills without prejudice. These three concepts define the content and methods of education at the university, and can be said to be a necessary condition for the fulfillment of the educational philosophy.

The mission and purpose of the university is to "provide education based on the true objectives of the Basic Act of Education, the School Education Act, and the School Philosophy, and to foster highly creative and educated human resources who can contribute to the development of society from a global perspective by teaching specialized knowledge and advanced theory and skills in addition to upper secondary school education... [partially omitted]." We strive to nurture human resources in accordance with the School Philosophy.?

In addition, based on the School Philosophy, each department has its own individuality, unique features, and specific direction in terms of its educational objectives.

Since its establishment in 1965, the university has taken steps to revise the department name and admission capacity, reforme the entrance examination system, etc. in response to the demands of the times. In April 2019, in order to clarify the direction that faculty and staff should take in such a volatile era, and to realize our the "founding School Philosophy," "Educational Philosophy," "Educational Guidelines," "mission and purpose," and "educational purpose," we formulated an action plan that we hope to achieve within five years, by April in 2019 .


Formulated in April 2019

OKINAGA Yoshihito, President of Teikyo University

Action plan to fulfill our School Philosophy, educational philosophy and educational guidelines

Action Plan

  1. Systematic organization of curriculums
    • We verify the integrity and consistency of our Diploma Policy and Curriculum Policy and review them as necessary.
    • In order to organize systematic curriculums in line with the Curriculum Policy, we promote revisions of curriculums to be more sequential and systematic by utilizing numbering and curriculum maps.
    • In accordance with the "Liberal Arts Education Mission" of our university, we provide liberal arts education in order for our students to acquire the ability to continue learning for a lifetime, and implement a curriculum that is well-balanced with specialized education.
  2. Devising and developing teaching methods
    • We try to substantiate the credits by setting an appropriate registration limit for each academic year, reviewing the content of syllabuses, and verifying student learning before and after graduation.
    • We build an education system that utilizes ICT to support learning.
    • In addition to strengthening FD efforts, we build an FD network for information sharing and strengthening cooperation with Teikyo University, and improve educational content and methods.
  3. Examining and evaluating learning outcomes
    • We collect and understand information in an appropriate and effective way using educational IR to visualize the learning outcomes.
    • Regarding the examination and evaluation of students learning outcomes, we determine the objectives, the qualitative standards to be achieved, and specific implementation methods, and we conduct assessments.

  1. Developing academic and research organizations
    • In order to actively respond to social demands, we conduct reviews of the academic organization from time to time.
    • We establish an organization to promote and support the improvement of our research capabilities and the revitalization of research activities.
  2. Developing the student support system
    • We gather opinions and requests from students and work together with the teaching staff to improve learning support, student life, the learning environment, and other aspects of the support system.
    • We provide detailed guidance and extensive support to students who wish to enter a four-year university or transfer to Teikyo University.
    • We expand the career support system by verifying the content and impact of career education programs, including internships.
    • In order to meet the diverse needs of each student, we enhance the consultation support system for physical and mental health counseling and lifestyle consultations for students.
    • We work to expand the scholarship system for students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance and character, as well as for students who face financial barriers to their studies.
    • We enrich our academic information resources in the library, promote their use, and inform people how to use them.
  3. Developing research support systems
    • We improve our research environment in order to enhance the research activities that form the basis of our education.
    • We establish research ethics to prevent fraudulent conduct related to research activities.
    • As a junior college, we implement systematic efforts to secure external research funds, including scientific research funds.
  4. Developing education and research facilities
    • We provide an attractive academic and research environment by effectively utilizing existing land and buildings and expanding facilities.
    • We systematically promote facility management to thoroughly maintain and manage educational and research facilities.

  1. Promoting internal quality assurance
    • In order to guarantee the quality of our education and research activities as well as the standard of student learning outcomes, we establish an academic management system led by the president and promote self-inspection and evaluation.
    • By establishing the PDCA cycle mechanism, we build an internal quality assurance system.
    • We promote internal quality assurance by improving IR functions and collecting and analyzing data.
  2. Developing management and operation systems
    • In order to smoothly carry out junior college management operations, we promote the development of internal rules and establish a compliance system to fulfill the social responsibilities required of junior colleges.
    • We strengthen the mutual check functions within the junior college organization to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
    • We promote SD in order for the staff involved in univerisity management to acquire knowledge and skills and build upon their abilities and qualities in junior college management.
    • In order to revitalize our organization, we increase the mobility of human resources and allocate staff appropriately.
    • We establish a wide range of risk management systems, including those for information security and crisis management in the event of an emergency.
  3. Establishing a stable financial base
    • We establish a medium- to long-term financial plan to build a stable financial base and secure a balance of income and expenditure.
  4. Promoting social cooperation
    • We promote industry-academia collaboration in order to give back to society with the results of our research.
    • We promote Community Partnership projects so that we can contribute as a regional base.
    • We promote high school-university collaboration with the aim of increasing the motivation of high school students to study and go on to higher education, and to connect to the learning of junior colleges.
  5. Strengthening public relations activities
    • We establish the Teikyo brand by disseminating information through various forms of public relations media.
    • In order to fulfill our social accountability as an institution of higher education, we promote the publication of information on educational and research activities.
    • We maintain connections with alumni after they graduate by providing them with updates on the university and other information.
    • Making the most of the features of the campus, we will hold open lectures and other events to deepen the local residents' understanding of our university.

  1. Alliance with overseas universities
    • Through credit transfer agreements and other partnerships with overseas universities, we expand our coordinated lateral relationships with our counterparts abroad.
  2. Promoting international exchange
    • In order to promote the acceptance of international students from overseas, we develop an attractive on-campus system for international students by expanding educational programs and scholarship opportunities.
    • In order to encourage students to study abroad, we enhance our study abroad system and overseas training system for universities abroad.
    • In order to promote globalization, we create an environment where foreign students and Japanese students can share diverse values and interact with each other.

  1. Verification of the Admissions Policy
    • While maintaining consistency with our Diploma Policy and Curriculum Policy, we verify the necessary qualifications for the ideal human resources we would like to train based on our Admissions Policy.
  2. Improvements to the admissions system
    • We will verify the appropriateness of selection methods by analyzing the situations of students at the time of graduation for each entrance examination selection method in order for us to accept highly qualified students in accordance with our admissions policy.
    • We continue to review and deliberate over the entrance examination system in order to establish a system that meets the needs of the reform of the connection between the high school and university.
    • We establish a system to accept a diverse range students by promoting admission for working adults,etc.