
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Itabashi Campus
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Pharmaceautical Sciences

Three Features of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1. Cultivate an enriched humanity by learning the mission and role of pharmacists and general education

Through a variety of classes such as discussions with a small number of people and simulated medication instructionand and liberal arts subjects , students cultivate their mind as a medical professional and foster a enrich humanity.

2. Learn ethics and practical skills through practical training at hospitals and pharmacies

Providing the latest learning environment in collaboration with the School of Medicine Hospital. Through experience in advanced medical practice, you can acquire ethics as a pharmacist and practical specialized knowledge and skills. You can also learn Team Medical Care linked with other faculties.

3. Foster pharmacists who deepen and pursue knowledge about medical fields through pharmaceutical research, etc.

Students study basic Pharma-Science subjects such as physics, chemistry, and biology throughly, and grasp problems in medical care scientifically and ethically. Students acquire the ability to solve problems from a pharmaceutical perspective. Our university nurture pharmacists who pursue medicine chemically.

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Close-up

State of pharmacy shared examination OSCE
State of pharmacy shared examination OSCE

"Pharmaceutical shared test"
In order to get used to the format of Computer-based Testing (CBT), we introduce computer-based examinations at the end of each grade of 1 to 3 years, and prepare curriculum focusing on a CBT in the 4th year. We also offer lectures and exercises related to the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). In addition, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences SP Study Group trains standard simulated patients.

Teikyo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences original website

"Practical training"
Practical training is a total of 22 weeks of training at hospitals and pharmacies in the 5th year. It will be a training that can be said to be the culmination of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences for 6 years. The curriculum is common throughout the country, but some trainings are concuted by using characteristics of each faculty. Prior to this, various lectures, practical training, and exercises have been organized as practical training pre-learning by the 4th year.


We develop scientists in the medical field who can think from patient's point of views.

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences has a "step-by-step" curriculum that allows students to gradually acquire advanced knowledge and attitudes throughout their six years of education. As students advance through the years, they gradually step up from mastering basic subjects that are the foundation for understanding specialized subjects to specialized and practical subjects. In addition, students acquire the communication skills necessary for pharmacists through exercises taken in each year from the first to fifth years. In the fifth year, students undergo practical training at hospitals and pharmacies in clinical settings equipped with the latest equipment, and acquire practical knowledge, skills, and attitudes while being aware of advanced cutting-edge medical care.

Outcomes of the Department of Pharmaceautical Sciences?

1. Ethics and professionalism
Medical personnel who have warm humanity and high ethical standards, act sympathetically, sincerely and honestly from an altruistic point of view in consideration of the dignity and human rights of others, strive for self-improvement, and lead the next generation.?

2. Participation in patient-centered medical care through Team Medical Care
Through communication skills, we can build relationships of trust with patients, their families, members of medical teams, etc. We also participate in Team Medical Care from a patient-centered perspective through professional collaboration.

3. Proper preparation and handling of pharmaceutical products
Considering the physical and chemical characteristics of pharmaceutical products, the laws and regulations, and social environment, etc., we prepare and handle pharmaceutical products properly to meet medical needs

4. Practice of pharmacotherapy
Students understand the effects of medicines on the body based on scientific grounds, and offer appropriate and effective pharmacotherapy with respect for the individual background of the patient.

5. Contribution to maintaining public health and community medicine
Students support the maintenance and promotion of health for local residents through regional medical cooperation by grasping and utilizing resources for health, medical care, and welfare in the region.

6. The spirit of inquiry for science
Students understand the significance of research in the fields of basic, clinical and social pharmacy, consider problems in medicine scientifically and logically, and show an attitude of solving problems from a pharmaceutical perspective.


WEB syllabus

Course Requirements

Course requirements

Class Introduction

Invitation to pharmacy

In order to motivate students to learn and encourage independent learning, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences not only offers lectures in which knowledge is conveyed one way from faculty to students, but also employs a two-way format of "active learning" in which students can actively learn.
One of these courses, "Invitation to Pharmacy," is a compulsory course for 1st year to clarify the significance and learning goals of studying at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The course aims to cultivate basic knowledge in a wide range of fields related to medicine, from the birth of drugs to their application to patients and the mission of pharmacists, and to foster a self-learning attitude, using familiar topics related to pharmacy. In addition, as part of the curriculum, students also participate in early exposure learning, visiting medical facilities such as hospitals and pharmacies. By visiting and experiencing actual clinical sites, students will gain a personal feel for patient-centered medical care and welfare, learn about the role and mission of pharmacists in society from a broad perspective, and increase their motivation for six years of study.

Pharmacy training

Pharmacy training is practice that is held in each semester from the 1st year to the 4th year. students learn a wide range of fields such as basic pharmacy, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, medical pharmacy fields such as pharmacology and pharmacy, hygiene pharmacy fields, and practical pharmacy fields to prepare for hospital training and pharmacy training. The purpose is to improve the skills and attitudes to utilize the knowledge gained in the lecture by experiencing it in practice.


Pharmacy training

Pharmacy training is practice that is held in each semester from the 1st year to the 4th year. students learn a wide range of fields such as basic pharmacy, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, medical pharmacy fields such as pharmacology and pharmacy, hygiene pharmacy fields, and practical pharmacy fields to prepare for hospital training and pharmacy training. The purpose is to improve the skills and attitudes to utilize the knowledge gained in the lecture by experiencing it in practice.

1st year

In the first semester, basic training mainly on organic chemistry will be conducted for the purpose of connecting high school with university. In the second semester, we will practice the extraction and analysis of biological substances such as proteins, the cultivation of microorganisms and the effects of antibacterial agents, and the structure of mammalian organs and cells.

2nd year

In the first semester, we practice organic synthesis and three-dimensional structure, properties of crude drugs, various analytical methods, etc. In the second semester, we practice the physicochemical properties of familiar items such as wine and batteries, enzymatic lysis, electrophoresis, and manufacturing and inspection methods for tablets and ointments.

3rd year

In the first semester, we practice the effects of typical pharmaceuticals on individual animals and organs, and analytical test methods for foods, environmental substances, and toxic substances. In the second semester, we practice the action of antineoplastic drugs on cancer cells, detection of genes of pathogenic microorganisms, various blood tests and handling of test values.

4th year

We practice required matters such as pharmacokinetics and blood concentration of drugs, handling of radiopharmaceuticals, preparation of various dosage forms, prescription analysis, question inquiry, patient response such as initial interview and medication guidance for being pharmacists in medical settings like hospitals and pharmacies. Most of classes are conducted in the multipurpose training room of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, which also condcted for pre-learning for practical training.

  • *?The content of each training is reviewed and subject to change.

Thes state of pharmacy training

Dispensing powder
Dispensing powder
Dispensing of liquid medicine
Dispensing of liquid medicine
Dispensing ointment
Dispensing ointment
Dispensing tablets
Dispensing tablets

Practical training

"Practical training is a total of 22 weeks of training at hospitals and pharmacies in the 5th year. It will be a training that can be said to be the culmination of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences for 6 years. The curriculum is common throughout the country, but some trainings are concuted by using characteristics of each facility. Prior to this, various lectures, practical training, and exercises have been organized as practical training pre-learning by the 4th year. Furthermore, students should pass pharmaceutical Common Acievement Test in the second semester of 4th year to participate this practical trainings on site before qualifying as a pharmacist.??


Practical training Pre-learning

Practical training Pre-learning

Pre-Learning for Practical Training is related to the Practical Training directly in lectures, practical trainings, and exercises of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Classes are condcuted more than 122 classes, (90-minute per class) , and pracitical trainings conducted in the multi-purpose training room in the 4th yeatr will be culmination for whole study. In addition, the skills and attitudes acquired will be tested in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) of the Pharmacy Common Achievement Test.

Hospital training

Hospital training

It is a 11 weeks practical training to study in the pharmacy department of the hospital. The training site is selected from a number of affiliated hospitals, including the School of Medicine Hospital, and hospitals that are members of the Kanto District Coordination Organization of the Pharmaceutical Education Council. students learn about dispensing work and patient care during a practical taining.

Pharmacy training

It is a 11 weeks practical training conducted at a pharmacy. Students choose the area you would like to practice in the Kanto Koshinetsu area. Practical training will be conducted at pharmacies that are members of the Kanto District Coordination Organization of the Pharmacy Education Council in that area. Students learn not only about dispensing work and dealing with patients at the counter, but also about the role of pharmacists in the community such as home visits and school pharmacists.

Practical training result presentation

Practical training result presentation

After completing the practical training, we hold a "practical training result presentation" with poster exhibition and presentation to confirm the growth of the trainees. It also aims to share the various experiences of trainees with many teachers, current students, and practical training instructors. Trainees explain posters, and ask and answer questions for 15-minute to report on their contents, achievements, and interests of the practical training.

Practical training Pre-learning

Dispensing powder
Dispensing powder
Dispensing of liquid medicine
Dispensing of liquid medicine
Dispensing ointment
Dispensing ointment
Dispensing tablets
Dispensing tablets
Dispensing injections
Dispensing injections
Dispensing drug inspection
Dispensing drug inspection
Patient care
Patient care
Mock hospital room
Mock hospital room


In Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, students are assigned to the laboratory from the 4th year to practice graduation thesis. Based on the theme you choose, you will carry out graduation research until the first semester of the sixth year, summarize the results as a graduation thesis, and present it at the graduation research thesis presentation.

Graduation Research

Students choose your research theme according to the research content of the laboratory to which you are assigned. In this graduation research, it is important not only to produce results, but also to "learn the process of thinking" how to think and solve. Therefore, while faculties guide you about problems and questions that arise during research, students develop scientific and logical thinking ability by themselves.

Graduation Thesis Presentation

At the graduation thesis presentation, Student explain the results of the graduation research over about two years in front of faculty members and classmates. By asking and answering questions from faculty members and mutual evaluations between students, the presentation ability are improved and a sense of gaining awareness from a different perspective are cultivated.

The state of graduation thesis presentation

State of graduation thesis presentation 1st piece
State of graduation thesis presentation 2nd
State of graduation thesis presentation 3rd
State of graduation thesis presentation 4th


Credit Recognition

Credits are determined based on the study time. Taking into considereation of teaching methods and educational effects of the classes, one credit is 45 hours (15 hours for class, 15 hours for preparation, 15 hours for review) .

  1. For each lesson subject, the credits are awarded based on a attendance of two-thirds or more of the number of lessons and a grade evaluation of 60 points (C evaluation) or more.
  2. Grades are evaluated as S for 90 points or more, A for 80 points or more, B for 70 points or more, C for 60 points or more, and D for less than 60 points. If students do not get 60 points (D evaluation), they fail a exam and the credits are not awarded.
  3. If the number of credits earned by the end of the school year is less than the specified standard number of credits, students are tentatively promoted or repeated a year by judging the meeting at the end of the school year.

GPA system

GPA (Grade Point Average) is a system that evaluates achievements of learning with objective numerical values. This system is generally based on the grade evaluation system based on universities in the United States and Europe.

GPA Calculation Method

GPA Calculation Method
Classification Grading Criteria Grading Criteria GP Details of Assessment
Pass S. 90 percent or higher 4.0 Especially excellent results
A 80 percent 3.0 Excellent results
B. 70 percent 2.0 Appropriate grades
C. 60 percent 1.0 Minimum grades accepted as passing
Fail D. Less than 60 percent 0.0 This means that the student has not reached the minimum grade acceptable as a pass. It also includes the lack of class attendance, the fact that the exams for the class have not been taken, and so on.