
Faculty/Department Sponsored Programs
Faculty/Department Sponsored Programs

Various overseas programs are available with a focus on the specialization of each faculty or department.

Faculty of Language Studies Department of Language Studies In 2nd year, all students will fly to a study abroad destination affiliated with the University in the second semester (4th semester) in principle, while utilizing the knowledge and skills they have learned after entering the program. They will be exposed to local life and experience the different realities of Japan and other parts of the world.

In the Department of Department of Global Japanese Studies Faculty of Language Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies, in principle, Japanese students study abroad in the first semester of 2nd year, and international students study at partner universities in Japan. Experience different cultures through learning English, Japanese, local culture and history.

About language study and training Faculty of Language Studies

Career Challenge Program: Training in Durham

As part of the Economic Career Challenge Program (ECCP), the Faculty of Economics offers a short-term training program at Teikyo University of Japan in Durham at Durham University to students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance in the faculty. In addition to improving their English communication skills mainly through discussions, students will also be given the opportunity to attend lectures about economic issues by economics professors at Durham University, visit companies in London, and more.

Training Destinations Teikyo University of Japan in Durham at Durham University (UK)
Language English
Period Approximately 2 weeks (from the end of February to mid-March)
Eligibility Requirements Department of Economics, Department of International Economy, Department of Business Administration, Department of Tourism Management
Recruitment/Selection Period Around September
Recruitment Process Announcements will be made on Campus Square and bulletin boards at Hachioji Campus.

Overseas Training Programs

The Department of Department of International Economy Faculty of Economics conducts research and exchange mainly focusing on the Southeast Asian region. Among them, we conduct short-term and long-term overseas training to learn English in Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, and Cambodia, which are particularly close to Japan and attract many Japanese companies, and Asian training (Economics) to learn economics in Indonesia using English. When you go abroad, in many countries, you have no choice but to use English, which is not your native language, as a communication tool. Furthermore, you need to know a wide range of things, not only the local economy, but also politics, culture, history, etc. Through this program, which includes intercultural understanding and internships, you can acquire the ability to listen to others' opinions in English and express your own thoughts and opinions in English, while also experiencing and learning about "Growing Asia."

Short-term training

Period Approximately 2 weeks (from the end of February to mid-March)
Training Destinations Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology (Vietnam)
Panyapiwat Institute of Management (Thailand)
Adamson University (Philippines)
Pannasastra University of Cambodia (Cambodia)
Language English
Eligibility Requirements Department of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of International Economy 1st year
Credit Recognition 2 credits
Recruitment Around September
Recruitment Process The information will be announced on Hachioji Campus' Campus Square and bulletin boards.

Long-term training

Period 1st semester (late August to early March)
Training Destinations Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology (Vietnam)
Panyapiwat Institute of Management (Thailand)
Adamson University (Philippines)
Pannasastra University of Cambodia (Cambodia)
Language English
Eligibility Requirements Department of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of International Economy 2nd year
Credit Recognition Maximum 16 credits (including intercultural understanding training and overseas internship)
*Varies depending on department
Recruitment Around April
Recruitment Process The information will be announced on Hachioji Campus' Campus Square and bulletin boards.

Asia Training

Period Mid-August to January
Training Destinations Jenderal Soedirman University (Indonesia)
Language English (learn economics using English)
Eligibility Requirements Faculty Faculty of Economics Department of Economics and Department of International Economy 2nd year and 3rd year students
Credit Recognition Maximum 14 credits (including intercultural understanding training and overseas internship)
*Varies depending on department
Recruitment Around April
Recruitment Process The information will be announced on Hachioji Campus' Campus Square and bulletin boards.

Optional Clinical Practice (BSC) Overseas Training Program

In their 6th year, students of the School of Medicine can elect to undergo a 12-week clinical practice program based on a clerkship system (BSC: Bedside Clerkship). A supervising physician is assigned to each student, who conducts patient interviews, examinations, blood sampling, examinations, and medical history in the actual field to the extent permissible. Programs include overseas internships for selected applicants at affiliated hospitals and research institutes such as the University of Cambridge and Harvard University.

Eligibility Requirements 6th year students of the School of Medicine
Recruitment Process Notices will be posted on the bulletin board of Itabashi Campus.

Track Record

For this program, faculty members from various departments of the School of Medicine provide generous support based on their own study abroad experiences. Faculty members, students, and host hospitals will work together in close communication at the time of application, during practical training at the destination, and after students return to Japan. Many students have already been dispatched to their destinations, and we continue strive to educate these students and promote exchange between universities.

? Past Program Locations

  • USA: Harvard University Joslin Diabetes Center, National Institutes of Health
  • UK: University of Cambridge Addenbrooke's Hospital, Durham University James Cook Hospital, Newcastle University
  • Canada: Monash University
  • Scotland: University of Glasgow
  • China: Harbin Medical University
  • Taiwan: Taipei Medical University
  • Thailand: Chulalongkorn University, etc.

Taipei Medical University Exchange Program

This program will be implemented in a new subject called "Global Nursing" from 2022, and will provide clinical training at hospitals in Taiwan, as well as visits to various medical sites such as facilities for the elderly and public health centers. In addition, as part of student exchanges at Taipei Medical University, this is a program to learn about Taiwanese culture and medical conditions while feeling the commonalities and differences between Japanese and Taiwanese nursing.

Training Destinations Taipei Medical University (Taiwan)
Eligibility Requirements Faculty of Medical Technology Department of Nursing 1st to 4th year
Period About 10 days (March)
Key Content
  • Visit to Taipei Medical University Hospital
  • Visit to Taipei Medical University
  • Maternity nursing in Taiwan (lecture)
  • Tour of medical care facilities
  • Presentation on nursing education at Japanese universities, etc.
Recruitment Process Notices will be posted on the bulletin board of Itabashi Campus.

Photos from Past Exchange Programs for the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Technology

This training program is for 3rd and 4th year students enrolled in the Department of Radiological Technology of the Faculty of Medical Technology. This short-term training program allows students to experience practical and advanced European medical care at state-run educational, medical, and judicial institutions in the Swiss Confederation, with which the University has a partnership. Radiology students from local institutions of higher learning are also accepted at the university, and the training program is designed to enable mutual exchange.

Training Destinations Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud, Vaud, Swiss Confederation
Eligibility Requirements 3rd–4th year students of the Department of Radiological Technology, Faculty of Medical Technology
Period About 2 weeks (October)
Key Content
  • Lectures on radiation technology at a local higher education institution
  • Practical training by radiological technologists at a local hospital
  • Visit to European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
  • Tour of Geneva and neighboring cities, etc.
  • Exchange with radiology students at local institutions of higher education, etc.
Recruitment Process Notices will be posted on the bulletin board of Itabashi Campus.


Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology conducts overseas training in Denver, Colorado, USA, with the aim of developing human resources who can play an active role on the global stage. During the training, we will hold seminars on the characteristics of American healthcare and medical issues. They will also visit the U.S. Olympic Training Center, AdventHealth Parker Hospital, Craig Hospital, Regis University, and more. All of these facilities are highly specialized, and this is a valuable opportunity to see the latest equipment and treatment methods.

Training Destinations Denver, Colorado, USA
Eligibility Requirements Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology
Period Approximately 9 days (around September)
Key Content
  • Visits and tours of local hospitals and medical facilities
  • Visits to local universities, training tour
  • Lecture on medical care in the United States
  • Cultural activities (watching baseball games, walking around museums, hiking), etc.
Recruitment Process We will notify you at Campus Square.


Overseas training report (2023)

Photos from Past Programs


The Graduate School of Teacher Education has established an Overseas School Education Practical Research course in which students actually visit schools overseas to observe the education process and gain opportunities for practical learning. The goal of the program is to experience the differences in attitudes toward education among students and teachers firsthand, and to learn about how diverse school education is from a global perspective.

Tour Destination The Netherlands
Eligibility Requirements Graduate School of Teacher Education
Period About 1 week (around September)
Key Content
  • Visit and observe education at local primary and secondary schools
  • Visit and observe education at a school for children with special needs
  • Participate in a workshop at Leiden University
  • Visit cultural facilities (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam), etc.

Photos of Past Tours


University-Sponsored Programs

On the Teikyo University American Aerospace Experience Tour, students can experience and learn about cutting-edge aerospace engineering institutions such as NASA, which has always led the world in space development. In this interdisciplinary experience that transcends the boundaries of faculties, departments, and campuses, teaching staff from the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Engineering lead tours through NASA Kennedy Space Center, the Air and Space Museum, and other locations.

Destination Country United States
Period About 1 week (February or March)
Key Destinations
  • Boeing Factory, Aviation Museum (Seattle)
  • Kennedy Space Center (Orlando)
  • Smithsonian Museum, National Air and Space Museum Annex (Washington DC), etc.
Recruitment Process Recruitment information will be posted along with details on the website.

Photos from Past Tours