
Conflict of interest management
Conflict of interest management

Conflict of Interest Management at Teikyo University

Teikyo University and Teikyo University Junior College Conflicts of Interest Management Regulations have been established to appropriately manage conflicts of interest, promote sound Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration activities, and advance education and research.
In addition, in order to actively and soundly promote industry-Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration activities by faculty and staff members, we have established a Conflict of Interest Management Committee on each campus to consult with and provide advice to faculty and staff members on a daily basis.

Conflict of Interest Management System

Conflict of Interest Management System Chart

Teikyo University and Teikyo University Junior College Conflict of Interest Management Regulations

For inquiries regarding individual procedures such as conflict of interest self-declaration,
Applications will be accepted at the Conflict of Interest Management Committee Office of the campus to which you belong.

Conflict of Interest Management (On-Campus Only)


Teikyo University Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization Research Compliance Office
