

  • Social/Community Engagement

December 22, 2023

Utsunomiya CampusNavigating the Road to Electric: Teikyo University Drives Tochigi's Auto Industry Forward

In a bid to steer local businesses toward a greener future, the Teikyo University Automotive Technology Center took the driver's seat on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. Commissioned by the Tochigi Prefectural Industrial Promotion Center, the Center played host to a disassembly demonstration, a crucial chapter in the next-generation automobile research and development workshop sponsored by the prefecture.
With 85 participants hailing from 35 companies in Tochigi Prefecture, the event aimed to provide a hands-on understanding of the shift from traditional gasoline engines to electric vehicles. Toshihiro Koyanagide and Yoichi Shirasawa, Teaching Associates in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, guided attendees through the intricate disassembly process. The focus was on unraveling the complexities of electric vehicles, using the dissected bodies and key components of cutting-edge models as educational tools.
The spotlight of the day was on the disassembly of the electric car Nissan Sakura, with insightful comparisons to the previously dismantled electric car Honda e from the previous year. The lecture delved into noteworthy observations during disassembly, shedding light on the distinctive features of electric vehicles in contrast to their conventional counterparts. Post-lecture, participants were treated to a comprehensive tour of the disassembled parts. This immersive experience allowed them to not only understand the underlying structure but also capture intricate details through photographs.

The event marks a pivotal step by the Automotive Technology Center in addressing the pressing need for businesses to transition towards electric vehicles in the face of global warming. By bridging the gap between theory and practicality, Teikyo University is actively contributing to the ongoing transformation in the automotive industry. Looking ahead, the Automotive Technology Center is committed to aligning its efforts with societal needs and technical challenges amid the unprecedented evolution in the automobile sector. The collaboration with Tochigi Prefecture projects will persist, as the center continues to disseminate invaluable insights to local businesses. Through events like these, Teikyo University is not just steering the wheel of education but also driving societal change towards a sustainable tomorrow.

Click here for information about our university's Automotive Technology Center

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