

  • Social/Community Engagement

May 30, 2024

Hachioji CampusPakui Seminar participated in the Minna no Machi Clean-up Day

On Sunday, May 26, 2024, the Teikyo University Faculty of Law Department of Political Science, Pakui Seminar participated in the Everyone's Town Clean-up Day organized by the Association for Creating a Beautiful Hachioji. The Association is a citizens' group that aims to protect the blessed natural environment through solidarity and sympathy among citizens, foster a love for the hometown, and seek a place for local residents to interact and revitalize community activities. The Kanto Koshinetsu Quiet Environment Beautification Promotion Liaison Council, which consists of one metropolis and 10 prefectures, has designated May 30 as "Kanto Environmental Beautification Day (Zero Waste Day)". The Association supports the purpose of this campaign event and is carrying out local beautification activities with the cooperation of various town and neighborhood associations and various organizations.

The Pakui seminar is conducting research on the theme of "local government," and last year they conducted a field survey of the Tobuki Clean Center to investigate Hachioji City's efforts to realize a recycling-oriented city. At that time, they learned that Hachioji City is working hard to reduce waste in collaboration with citizens, organizations, and businesses, and this time, 10 third-year students from the Pakui seminar participated with the aim of learning about these efforts while having fun.
On the day, the cleanup activities were mainly carried out around Hachioji Campus. At first glance, it looked like a clean environment with little trash, but there were empty cans and plastic bottles scattered here and there, and our students had a lot of fun cleaning up the area. Local governments and neighborhood associations were also involved in cleanup activities in various parts of the city, and it was a great opportunity to be a part of it. In July of this year, the Pakui seminar plans to conduct a field survey of Hachioji's efforts to realize a recycling-oriented city, and will continue to conduct research on local government rooted in the field.

Click here for news about the on-site investigation conducted at Tobuki Clean Center in Hachioji City.
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