
Introduction of Medical Bases
Introduction of Medical Bases

Community-based medical institutions

The university has six medical bases found throughout the Kanto region. Each hospital is equipped with the latest equipment and advanced medical technologies, allowing us to achieve treatment systems that are tailored to each patient. Meanwhile, we also provide services entailing close involvement with local communities through institutions such as osteopathic clinics and the Teikyo University Mental Health Center. We also actively dispatch medical teams to provide assistance during occurrences such as disasters.

We provide a full range of medical care for patients and their families.

Teikyo University Hospital

Under the philosophy of "medical care that goes well with patients and their families," all staff members are working together to create a better hospital.
As a regional core hospital, we are strengthening cooperation with nearby medical institutions, and above all, we are strengthening the acceptance of emergency and acute care that is directly linked to life and death. In addition, we have organized an outpatient chemotherapy room, a cancer consultation support room, and a palliative care team to establish a cancer treatment system with specialists who can handle advanced medical care.

Teikyo University Hospital

Anticipatory scientific facilities and medical equipments

Teikyo University Hospital, Mizonokuchi

Teikyo University Hospital, Mizonokuchi is a "community-friendly hospital" that has been working together to become a hospital that places the highest priority on community medicine.
This hospital provides high-quality medical care that combines advanced medical facilities and equipments, and at the same time, it is constantly practicing more community-based medical care by working closely with other medical institutions, such as interacting with welfare facilities.?

Teikyo University Hospital, Mizonokuchi

Realizing regional medical care utilizing the functions of medical care, research, and education

Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center

Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center aims to be the core of regional medical care that utilizes functions such as medical care, research, and education as a university hospital.
Under informed consent, we value medical care from the patient's point of view. To that end, we provide high-quality medical care by knowing the pain of patients and having thoughts to it, and keeping in mind the treatment and nursing that make use of the latest medical equipment and medical technology. At the same time, we strive to make the contents of medical care more "visible", and reduce the anxiety and dissatisfaction of patients with medical care as much as possible, and hope that they receive medical care with relief.

Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center

One of only 5 facilities in Tokyo certified as "Regional Center for Cancer Care (Advanced Type)" and cooperated with Teikyo University Hospital. Providing high-quality inspection in a convenient environment.

Teikyo University Shinjuku Clinic

Our hospital was established in April 2016 in Newoman Shinjuku, which is directly connected to Shinjuku Station, one of the largest terminals in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Equipped with the latest medical equipments and facilities, we mainly carry out human docks and corporate medical examinations. In addition to the existing courses of our hospital, we also propose original courses that can meet the diverse needs of each company and examinees. We also prepare a variety of optional inspections and have a system in place to provide high-quality inspections to each individual. In addition, even if highly specialized treatment is required after the examination, Teikyo University Hospital, which is accredited not only by our hospital's specialized outpatient department but also the Regional Center for Cancer Care (advanced type) that is accredited only 5 facilities in Tokyo, provides complete backup, promptly leads to treatment, and safe and detailed medical care.

Teikyo University Shinjuku Clinic

Specializing in the treatment of sports injuries and Realizing the provision of advanced medical care

Teikyo University Clinic for Sports Science & Medicine

Teikyo University Clinic for Sports Science & Medicine specializes in sports injury treatment attached to the Teikyo University Institute of Sports Science & Medicine Center. In addition to diagnostic imaging equipment such as ultrasound, X-rays, and MRI, we also have treatment equipment such as extracorporeal shock wave treatment equipment and hyperbaric oxygen treatment rooms. At this clinic, except for hyperbaric oxygen treatment, we provide insurance medical treatment using health insurance.

Teikyo University Clinic for Sports Science & Medicine Original Site

It is a place to learn Judo rehabilitation and is an osteopathic clinic that can be used by the general public.

Teikyo University Toyosatodai Osteopathic Institute

"Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office" on the north side of the main gate of Utsunomiya Campus is an osteopathic clinic that can be used by the general public. We provide treatment tailored to each patient, centered on Dr. Yanagi, the director who has been operating an osteopathic clinic for over 30 years.
Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Clinic was opened in 2010 as an attached clinic on the Utsunomiya Campus. Through treatment, we aim to become a familiar osteopathic clinic for the local people. At the same time, it is also a student tour training facility where they can learn Judo rehabilitation that maximizes the natural healing ability of human beings by using a unique technique called "non-invasive therapy" that does not require surgery. Through practical training, students learn and gain experience to become better judo therapists.

Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Clinic

We have various equipments for building a body that is less likely to get injured than before coming to the hospital.

Teikyo Hachioji Judo Therapy Office

The Teikyo Hachioji Judo Therapy Clinic, which was set up at the Teikyo Teikyo University Martial Arts Center, is an osteopathic clinic that can be used by the general public. We perform treatments that are tailored to each patient.
Teikyo Hachioji Judo Therapy Clinic is an osteopathic clinic set up on the first floor of the Teikyo University Martial Arts Center where the Teikyo University sports strengthening clubs practice daily. High skill is required to treat the players of martial arts strengthening clubs such as karate and judo, which are often injured on a daily basis. From the desire to make use of the technology and experience to help the local people as a university, we utilize the latest knowledge and technology to provide medical care to general patients.

Teikyo Hachioji Judo Therapy Clinic Original Site

Experienced counselors support your heart

Teikyo University Mental Health Center

At the Teikyo University Mental Health Center, located opposite the Hachioji Campus, counselors who listen carefully to visitors' worries provide mental care that suits each individual in a relaxing space.
Teikyo University Mental Health Center operates as a community-based "heart consultation desk." At this center, we listen to stories in the blue-based counseling room and playroom so that visitors can spend a relaxing time. We practice personalized counseling for various problems such as individual psychotherapy, family therapy, play therapy, psychological examination, and consultation. In addition, since this center is also a place for practical education for graduate school students who aim to become clinical psychologists, trained graduate school students are also in charge of counseling under the guidance of teachers who are qualified as clinical psychologists.
If you would like to consult, please make a reservation by phone first.

About Teikyo University Mental Health Center

Teikyo University Mental Health Center Original Site

* Detailed information on consultation can be found here.

Medical dispatch in the event of disastersTeikyo University's medical institutions have a system in place to respond to emergencies.

As one of the efforts of medical institutions and the role that medical institutions should play, our university has medical staff who can take appropriate measures even in the field where prompt response in the event of disasters is required, and has a system that can respond instantly even in an emergency in place.

We dispatched a medical team and solicited donations.

In the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake that occurred in October 2004, we dispatched medical teams to the disaster-stricken areas such as Nagaoka City, which was heavily damaged, and solicited donations. We would like to introduce our efforts at that time.

Support activities carried out

Immediately after the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake, Teikyo University worked to grab the damage situation at the site, and the following week, a medical relief team was formed and dispatched. The medical relief team consists of 3 doctors (1 Trauma and Resuscitation Center, 1 Internal Medicine, 1 Pediatrics), 2 nurses, and 4 clerks from Teikyo University Hospital, and based in Teikyo Nagaoka Junior High School and Teikyo Nagaoka High School, they visited each evacuation center and conducted medical treatment activities.
In addition, we quickly established a transfer account for donations, notified each facility of the Teikyo University Group, carried out activities to solicit donations, and sent them to Niigata Prefecture through the Yomiuri Shimbun.

Efforts were made to dispatch medical teams, accept patients, and provide relief and support.

In the event of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Teikyo University Hospital also held a policy of respecting human life and emphasizing the victims, and provided relief and medical activities in and around the affected areas and accepted the victims.

Support activities carried out

At Teikyo University Hospital, a DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team) composed of doctors, nurses, clerks, etc. who have the mobility and specialized training to be able to work in an emergency has been organized, and provided support, relief, and on-site medical activities in disaster area and around its area. In addition, we carried out various support activities such as accepting patients from the disaster area, dispatching radiological technologist to the disaster area, and participating in the "Tokyo Medical Relief Team" and the "Japan Medical Association Disaster Medical Team".

Specific efforts

  • Dispatch and support activities of medical team as Japan DMAT
  • Dispatch and support activities of medical team as Tokyo DMAT
  • Dispatch of radiological technologist to the disaster area at the request of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • Dispatch and relief activities of the relief team as the Tokyo Medical Relief Team
  • Dispatch of relief team as disaster medical team of Japan Medical Association, hospital support activities, dispatch of doctors
  • Accepting patients requiring dialysis from Fukushima Medical University Hospital
  • Accepting patients to the Trauma and Resuscitation Center by disaster prevention helicopter
  • Acceptance of critically ill patients in the disaster area
  • Establishment of Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters by Teikyo University Hospital
  • Installation of donation boxes, etc.

State of Activity


We dispatched a medical team

In the Kumamoto earthquake that occurred in April 2016, we dispatched a medical team to the disaster area with the policy of respecting human life and emphasizing the victims.

Support activities carried out

At Teikyo University, we formed a disaster dispatch medical team of Teikyo University Japan DMAT (2 doctors, 1 nurse, 1 office worker) who received a dispatch request from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and carried out dispatch it to the Kumamoto Earthquake disaster area. In the field, we are engaged in "team management" which is the core of the headquarters work, grasp the information of each DMAT unit that changes one after another, contact and coordinate so that we can respond to the ever-changing medical needs in the disaster area. We also did work such as doctor helicopter adjustment work.
In addition, we decided to dispatch JMAT (1 doctor and 1 pharmacist) from the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association as a foresight team, and provided medical support activities at evacuation centers. A total of two teams were dispatched from our university, and each team entered Kumamoto from Haneda on April 18th (Sun) and returned to the hospital on April 21st (Thu).


It is abbreviated as DMAT, which is an acronym for Disaster Medical Assistance Team. It is consisted by professionally trained medical team consisted by doctors, nurses, and business coordinators (emergency medical technician, pharmacists, radiologists, clerks, etc.) with the mobility to be active in the acute phase.


The Japan Medical Association Team is a disaster medical team organized by the Japan Medical Association and its framework. It is an organization to support regional medical care until the local medical system is restored by replacing DMAT, which is in charge of disaster medical care in the acute phase, withdrawal in about 3 days.

State of Activity
