
For Faculty Members and Researchers

For Faculty Members and Researchers For Faculty Member and Researcher


Teikyo Research Grant Information (Off-Campus) System

Teikyo Research Grant Information System

The Teikyo Research Grant Information (Off-Campus) System is a system that automatically collects and lists information on competitive funding applications. It compiles various applications from each institution's website, and allows you to check and search the information.

Contact Information
Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization Administration Office
Email: research-information@teikyo-u.ac.jp


Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

In order to conduct superior research, the university has actively applied for and been selected for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The following is a summary of the various information required for application.

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on MHLW

The University actively solicits applications for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to solve problems and generate new knowledge in the fields of health and medical care, welfare, and sanitation. The following is a summary of the application process.

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Teikyo University Research Encouragement Grant

Teikyo University supports highly motivated young researchers with the aim of promoting further vitalization of research activities and contributing to the development of the university.

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Prevention of fraudulent use of competitive funds, etc.
Basic policy

In accordance with the "Guidelines for Management and Audit of Public Research Funds at Research Institutes (Implementation Standards)" (decided by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on February 15, 2007), Teikyo University has established the matters necessary for the proper operation and management of publicly solicited research funds, mainly competitive funds, at the university. The university has established the following rules and is implementing the measures published below.

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Responding to fraudulent activities in research activities

Based on the "Guidelines Concerning Responses to Misconduct in Research Activities" (decided by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on August 26, 2014), Teikyo University has established regulations concerning the prevention of misconduct in research activities at the university.

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security export control

In order to prevent the university's technology from being diverted to military use in the production of weapons of mass destruction, we are working on security export control. The university's regulations and forms for security export control are posted on the Export Control for Security Export Controls internal page. Access to this page is available only from within the university.

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Teikyo University School of Medicine Clinical Research Review Committee

With the implementation of the Clinical Research Act, this website introduces the necessary procedures and documents for conducting clinical research based on the law, including specific clinical research that is required to comply with the standards of the law.

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Conflict of interest management

Teikyo University and Teikyo University Junior College Conflicts of Interest Management Regulations have been established to appropriately manage conflicts of interest, promote sound Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration activities, and advance education and research. In addition, in order to actively and soundly promote industry-Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration activities by faculty and staff members, we have established a Conflict of Interest Management Committee on each campus to consult with and provide advice to faculty and staff members on a daily basis.

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Basic policy regarding management, disclosure and utilization of research data

Our university has established the "Teikyo University and Teikyo University Junior College Research Data Policy" with the aim of improving the standard of research and contributing to the development of society by promoting the appropriate management, disclosure, and utilization of data in research activities.

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