
Teikyo University Junior College
Teikyo University Junior College
  • Hachioji Campus
Teikyo University Junior College

Aiming to have students acquire useful knowledge and practical working skills as working professionals with education focused on foundational strength

Foundational strength is what is first need to acquire an education and practical skills that are useful in society. Thus, at Teikyo University Junior College, we will provide education that emphasizes foundational strength and then aim to improve and develop students’ applied and practical skills. We also respond to the needs of the times by actively utilizing video teaching materials on different cultures and various kinds of information from around the global community, the latest news sources collected online and other elements to help students when they are learning. At the same time, students will also acquire a high level of English proficiency that will be indispensable for the coming era. We actively collaborate with Teikyo University, and students can use the open curriculum options provided to take specialized education sources at the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Liberal Arts, the Faculty of Language Studies and the Faculty of Education. Students transferring to Teikyo University will be able to get those credits recognized as university course credits.



Features of Teikyo University Junior College?

A learning environment where students receive an education and develop skills that are useful in society / Support for employment and transferring of schools in accordance with one’s career path

Educational Goals and Our Three Policies

Educational Goals and Our Three Policies

Learning about human cultures and modern business not only fosters an education that is essential for working adults, but also serves to foster the development of real practical work skills applicable to business. We are also striving to enhance the kind of support provided for students such as those aiming to go on to study at one of the faculties of Teikyo University.

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History of Teikyo University Junior College

History of Teikyo University Junior College

Teikyo University Junior College was established in Itabashi Ward in 1965 as Teikyo Women's Junior College. Introducing the history of our university.

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Mid/Long-Term Plans of Teikyo University Junior College

Mid/Long-Term Plans of Teikyo University Junior College

We are developing an action plan that we would like to achieve in order realize our School Philosophy, our Educational Philosophy and our Educational Guidelines.

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Education at Teikyo University Junior College

Education at Teikyo University Junior College

At Teikyo University Junior College, we provide education that emphasizes foundational strength and then aim to have students improve upon and develop applied and practical skills. We also respond to the needs of the times by utilizing the latest news sources when students are learning. At the same time, students will also acquire a level of English proficiency that will be indispensable for the coming era.

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Learning Environment / Learning Support

Learning Environment / Learning Support

Students can make use of facilities at Teikyo University, such as a library equipped with media facilities, study rooms for individual correspondence, and a calligraphy research facility. Advanced learning support is also provided, which includes the online distribution of materials, submission of assignments, quizzes, management of one’s own activity records, and interaction with teachers using the school’s original learning system LMS, using e-One’s Way medical records, and so on.

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Topics Garnering Attention at Teikyo University Junior College

Topics Garnering Attention at Teikyo University Junior College

Teikyo University Junior College has various initiatives and research, unique classes and extracurricular activities that are attracting attention from outside the university as well. Topics Garnering Attention provides introductions on topics that have attracted particular attention that respect and which are increasingly become topics of conversation.

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Support Frameworks For Specific Career Tracks

Support Frameworks For Specific Career Tracks

We provide support tailored to each student's career path, from career orientation to career education, off-campus training, career guidance, career support, and transferring to Teikyo University.

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University Transfer System

University Transfer System

Teikyo University Junior College have a transfer examinations to Teikyo University for students who want to further deepen their specialized fields. In addition, the door is open to not only the Teikyo University Group but also educational institutions in Japan and overseas.

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Obtainable Qualifications

Obtainable Qualifications

In Department of Human Cultures, students can obtain a Junior High School Teacher's License Type 2 (English) and an Aerobic Dance Exercise Instructor's Exam, while in Department of Contemporary Business, students can obtain a Junior High School Teacher's License Type 2 (Social Studies). Students in both departments can also obtain the qualifications to take the Camp Instructor and Coaching Assistant exams.

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Career Paths and Employment

Career Paths and Employment

Not only is it possible for students to get careers in various industries, but one of the features of Teikyo University Junior College is that the school provides strong support for transfers to Teikyo University and to other universities.

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Message from the Dean of the Department of Human Cultures

Dean of the Department of Human Cultures, Kohei Kimura
Dean of the Department of Human Cultures
Kohei Kimura

The Department of Human Cultures focuses on having students transfer to a four-year university. In particular, we have created a curriculum suitable for transfer to the Faculty of Liberal Arts, the Faculty of Language Studies, and the Faculty of Education at Teikyo University. What students learn at junior college will be put to good use in their studies at the university. Through an open curriculum, students will quickly learn about specialized education courses at the university and also have the option of choosing to transfer to the Faculty of Economics or the Faculty of Law. Faculty members will also provide all the support they can to those who are thinking of transferring to a different university. Students who are aiming to find employment will also thoroughly acquire English skills, communication skills, and information processing skills, which come together to form one’s fundamental strength when it comes to business.

Message from the Dean of the Department of Contemporary Business

Masafumi Tsujihiro, Chair of Department of Contemporary Business
Chair Department of Contemporary Business
Masafumi Tsujihiro

Modern society is business-centric. In this department, we train students to become professionals able to play an active role in our society. Students are asked to take advantage of opportunities to deepen their education through classes and through reading, and at the same time, happily interact with alumni and teachers to become more well-rounded. All the faculty members will work together with the best of intentions to help students achieve their goals. Here, students are provided with the opportunity to acquire a wide range of abilities as people and go on to higher education or join the workforce, where they will embark on truly prosperous lives.

Researcher Directory?

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