
Certified Evaluation and Accreditation / Self-Inspection
Certified Evaluation and Accreditation / Self-Inspection

We Introduce the certification evaluation of our university. We strive to maintain and improve the quality of our higher education institutions by continuously imposing issues on ourselves and continuing improvement activities.

Accredited University

Accredited University Report

Teikyo University
In 2021, Teikyo University received an Accredited University by the Japan Institution for Higher Education Evaluation, and was certified as "conforming to the university evaluation criteria set by the organization" in 2021. In the general review of the report in 2021, "University and Graduate School have established educational course organization, educational research organizations, learning environments and learning support systems in order to achieve their missions, objectives and educational objectives. Owing to the organizational structure that support the leadership by the president, the educational management work properly. The business, management and finance are operated with the discipline and integrity of the management maintained, and the responsibility and authority are clarified. Through self-inspection / evaluation and research / analysis utilizing IR (Institutional Research), the mechanism for improving / improving education based on the three policies is functioning. "

Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation Organization

Teikyo University School of Medicine
In 2022, the Teikyo University School of Medicine underwent evaluation by field of medical education by the Japan Agency for Medical Education Evaluation (JACME), and conformed to the "Evaluation Standards by Field of Medical Education Ver.2.33" based on international standards. was certified to exist.

Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation Organization

Teikyo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Teikyo University received a Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation by the Japan Accreditation Board for Pharmaceutical Education in 2017, and was certified as "conforming to the Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation evaluation criteria".

Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation Organization

Japan Nursing Education Accreditation Council

Teikyo University, Faculty of Medical Technology Department of Nursing
Department of Nursing Faculty of Medical Technology, Teikyo University underwent a nursing education evaluation by JABNE (Japan Accreditation Board for Nursing Education) in 2023 and was certified as "compliant" with the "Nursing Education Evaluation Standards" established by the Japan Accreditation Board for Nursing Education.

Japan Nursing Education Accreditation Council

Japan Accreditation Board for Engineers Education (JABEE)

Teikyo University Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Information and Electronic Engineering Computer Science Course
The Computer Science Course, Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University, was examined by JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineers Education) in 2019 and became a JABEE Accreditation Programs.

Certification evaluation by professional graduate school institution

Teikyo University Graduate School Graduate School of Teacher Education Division of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education Certification Evaluation Results

Graduate School of Teacher Education
In 2023, Graduate School Graduate School of Teacher Education underwent Accredited School of Teacher Education by The Institute for the Evaluation of Teacher Education, and was certified as "compliant with the evaluation criteria for Graduate School of Teacher Education."

Teikyo Graduate School 2023
Results of the Accreditation Evaluation for Graduate School of Teacher Education Division of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education

Teikyo University Graduate School Graduate School of Public Health Division of Public Health Certification Evaluation Results

Graduate School of Public Health Division of Public Health, Master’s Degree Program
The Master’s Degree Program in the Graduate School of Public Health Division of Public Health received an Accredited School of Public Health by the Japan University Accreditation Association in 2020, and was certificated as "conforming to the public health professional graduate school standards.".

2020 Teikyo University Graduate School
Graduate School of Public Health Division of Public Health Certification Evaluation Results

Accredited College

Teikyo University Junior College Evaluation Results by Institution

Teikyo University Junior College
In 2022, Teikyo University Junior College was certified as "eligible" by the Association for College and Junior College Accredited College.

Self-inspection evaluation report

In the rules of Teikyo University, we define self-insepection / evaluation that "The University will inspect and evaluate the status of education and research, organization and operation, facilities and equipment at the University in order to improve its education and research standards and achieve the mission and purpose of the preceding article, and publish the results.” Based on this definition, under the "self-inspection / self-evaluation committee" at each campus, self-inspection / self-evaluation activities are carried out according to the system of each department, and we regularly inspect and evaluate each field of education, research and management. As a summary of these, we prepare a "self-inspection evaluation report" for the entire university about every four years.

Teikyo University

Teikyo University Junior College