

  • International Exchange

January 17, 2024

Itabashi CampusTeikyo and Harvard Unveil 30 Years of Academic Synergy in Groundbreaking Seminar on Health Disparities and Bridging Social Capital

In a momentous occasion on Saturday, January 13, 2024, the Teikyo University Clinical Auditorium at the Itabashi Campus bore witness to a compelling lecture marking the 30th anniversary of the academic alliance between Teikyo University and Harvard University. Since the inception of this partnership in 1993, the two institutions have seamlessly collaborated on diverse educational and research endeavors, significantly shaping Japan's healthcare landscape and fostering human resource development.

The lecture, presided over by Teikyo University's Chairman and President Yoshihito Okinaga, unfolded a comprehensive narrative of the Teikyo-Harvard Program. Okinaga delved into the program's history, highlighting key components such as the Teikyo-Harvard International Symposium, the Ukinaga Fellows initiative, and the Okinaga Laboratory situated at Harvard University. Professor Ichiro Kawachi, representing Harvard University's TH Chan Graduate School of Public Health, took the stage to expound on the theme of "Social Disparities and Health, Their Prescriptions: The Role of Bridging Social Capital in Rectifying Health Disparities." Central to his discourse was the assertion that bridging social capital, the resources individuals access through social networks, holds paramount importance in public health. Kawachi underscored the significance of cultivating a diverse society to enhance economic opportunities and social advancement, especially for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The lecture further delved into the impact of travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic on bridging social capital. An epidemiological lens was applied to dissect the advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking Services (SNS) in the context of strengthening social capital and mitigating health disparities. The talk concluded with a forward-looking exploration of future policies, grounded in scientific evidence. The event attracted an audience of over 500 participants, spanning the university community and beyond. Attendees, both physically present and online, engaged in a spirited exchange of questions and lively discussions, underscoring the depth of interest in the subject matter. Despite the constraints of time, the lecture left an indelible mark, resonating with an eagerness to unravel more.

This lecture attracted close to 800 visitors from both inside and outside the university, as well as applications to participate online.After the lecture, there was not enough time for questions and lively discussions, and the conference ended on a high note. Teikyo University will continue to deepen its collaboration with Harvard University and promote the internationalization of education and research. We will utilize the results academically and practically to contribute to solving social issues.

Teikyo-Harvard Academic Partnership 30th Anniversary Lecture Ceremony Schedule Click here
Click here for information on Teikyo-Harvard Program

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