

  • Education and Research

May 29, 2024

Kasumigaseki CampusProfessor Sugimoto receives Japan International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Association Award 2024 Special Award

On Friday, May 17, 2024, at the Japan ITU Association "World Information Society and Telecommunication Day Gathering" ceremony held at the Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo, Professor Masaki Sugimoto of the Innovation Lab Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University received the Japan International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Association Award 2024 Special Award. The ceremony was held in conjunction with the 56th World Information Society and Telecommunication Day (the anniversary of the birth of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)), and guests of honor included Koichi Watanabe, Deputy Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, and Yoshifumi Takushoku, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, who delivered congratulatory remarks.
Upon receiving the award, Professor Sugimoto gave a commemorative lecture for the "Japan ITU Association Special Award." The award will be featured in the Dempa Shimbun (dated May 17, 2024), NHK News, the Ministry of Finance website, and other media, and the award ceremony and commemorative lecture will be posted on YouTube at a later date. We look forward to Professor Sugimoto's continued success.

What is the Japan ITU Association Award?
The ITU Association of Japan has been presenting the Japan Award since 1973 in order to contribute to the achievement of ITU's objectives, the development and improvement of ITU-related activities in Japan, and to raising the level of ICT-developed countries, focusing on the development of the global information society and bridging the digital divide.
Past recipients of the special award include the SpaceX Starlink team, Chieko Asakawa, Director of the Miraikan (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation), and Mahavir Pun, Chairman of the Himalayan Conservation Society of Nepal.

What is World Information Society and Telecommunications Day?
In 1968, the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) General Assembly designated May 17th, the date when the first Universal Telegraph Treaty, which became the basis of the ITU, was signed by plenipotentiaries from 20 countries in 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), as "World Telecommunication Day." This day was declared "World Information Society Day" at the World Summit on the Information Society in 2005, and was later adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In response to the resolution to celebrate the day with a broader scope than the previous "World Telecommunication Day," the Japan ITU Association has been honoring those who have contributed to international standardization activities at the ITU and other organizations with the "Japan ITU Association Award" and holding commemorative events such as lectures to mark the day.

For more information on the Japan ITU Association Award, click here
For details on Professor Sugimoto's award, click here
For more information about the Denpa Shimbun, click here
Click here for NHK news articles
Click here for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs article
For more information on the Japan ITU Association Awards, click here
For more information about Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University, click here
For more information about Holoeyes Inc., click here
For more information about Professor Sugimoto, click here

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