
Advanced Equipment Analysis Center
Advanced Equipment Analysis Center

Contribute to the development of interdisciplinary research using advanced analytical equipment

Various instrumental analyzers such as nuclear magnetic resonance, mass analysis, and electron microscope are indispensable equipment for research, but with the development of science and technology in recent years, various experimental equipment and devices have been developed and The performance of these analyzers is increasing.
This center centrally manages state-of-the-art analyzers on the Utsunomiya Campus and highly common equipment such as electron microscopes and confocal laser scanning microscopes, and promotes their use in research and educational settings and their application to various fields. It was launched in 2018 with the aim of doing so. In addition to technical support such as microanalysis of plant hormones using state-of-the-art analytical equipment, we also hold technical seminars for Graduate School and students. We are already actively conducting joint research with researchers in Japan and overseas, but we will further enhance our research and education support system and contribute to the development of interdisciplinary research.

About Advanced Instrument Analysis Center

Center philosophy

The purpose of this center is to position existing equipment on the Utsunomiya Campus and advanced equipment with high commonality to be introduced in the future as research resources for the entire university, and to jointly use, maintain, manage and operate them.
By unifying the equipment that will be the driving force of research at this center, it has become possible to improve the economic efficiency and efficiency of operation. In the future, it is expected that the research system of our university will be further strengthened and will greatly contribute to the development of interdisciplinary research.

Professor Masashi Asahina, Head of Center

In recent years, research has become increasingly interdisciplinary, whether at universities or companies, and advanced equipment and devices are essential to advance research. However, these devices and devices are expensive due to their high performance, making it difficult for individual laboratories to handle them. This center regards these expensive devices and devices as research resources for the entire university, and aims to purchase, use, and operate them economically and efficiently, strengthening the research system on campus while also aiming to improve convenience for researchers, and strive to play a role in promoting research.

Background to the establishment of the Center

There are two professors who laid the foundation for the establishment of this center. The first is Takao Yokota Professor. From 2008 to 2012, a research project on "Function and Systematics of Steroid Hormones in Plants" planned and supervised by Professor Yokota was selected as a project to support the formation of a strategic research base for private universities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The main equipment purchased and installed in this project is as follows.

  • ICP (Radio Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy)
  • GC-MS / MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer)
  • LC-MS / MS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer)
  • Q-TOF / MS (Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer)
  • Real-time PCR

The second is Professor Hisakazu Yamane. Dr. Yokota's project was continuously adopted as a support project similar to Dr. Yokota, and for five years from 2013 to 2017, the research center on "elucidation of the physiological function of plant oxylipin and its application" was established in the Faculty of Faculty of Science and Engineering and Engineering on this campus. It was set up in the Department of Biosciences. The main equipment purchased and installed in this project is as follows.

  • Confocal laser scanning microscope
  • Desktop scanning electronic microscope
  • Imaging mass spectrometer
  • High performance liquid chromatography
  • Virtual slide scanner
  • Laser microdissection
  • Specific net room

In addition to the equipment and devices listed above, the Utsunomiya Campus has GC-MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer), LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer), and LC-TOF-MS (Flight Time Type Mass Spectrometer). Analytical equipment), NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance equipment), X-ray diffractometer, FIB (focused ion beam processing equipment), transmission electron microscope, scanning electron microscope with EDS element analyzer, etc. We own facilities and equipment.

As described above, the two large projects for which you two Professor were awarded, together with the existing equipment, represent an enormous research asset for the university. At the same time, during the 10 years that the projects have been ongoing, a solid foundation for collaborative research within the university has been established, as well as know-how on the separation and purification of various samples, which is essential for trace quantitative analysis.
With this background, in order to maximize the use of analytical instruments and equipment that excel in both quality and quantity, as well as the analytical technical know-how accumulated thus far, a working group led by Dr. Yamane was formed in 2017 to launch the Analytical Center. President and Chairman With his willing consent, in April 2018, the "Teikyo University Center for Advanced Instrumental Analysis" was established. Teikyo University Center for Advanced Instrumental Analysis" was founded.


Head of Center
Professor Masashi Asahina

Professor Keizo Hashimoto
Professor Kenichi Uchida
Professor Jinichiro Koga
Associate Professor

Takao Yokota (Professor Emeritus, Teikyo University)
Hisakazu Yamane (Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo, Former Professor at Teikyo University)
Naohisa Yanagihara (Professor Emeritus, Teikyo University)

Full-time staff
Emi Yumoto

(As of May 2024)


Main research contents

  • Analysis of bioactive substances (plant hormones, etc.) using a mass spectrometer (LC-MS / MS, etc.)
  • Quantitative analysis of auxin, jasmonic acid and other plant hormones and related secondary metabolites using shepherd's purse, rice, etc.


  • ○ ○ Number of LC-MS / MS request analysis implementations
    (Establishment of efficient pretreatment method for samples, establishment of analysis method for new substances)
    • 2018 97 cases 2132 samples
    • 2019 106 cases 2934 samples
    • 2020 130 cases 2702 samples
    • FY2021 146 cases 2728 samples
    • FY2022 119 cases 2773 samples
    • 2023 62 cases 2157 samples
  • Localization analysis of nutritional and functional components using an imaging mass spectrometer
  • Observation and elemental analysis of biological and inorganic materials using an electron microscope
  • ○ In addition, inorganic / organic chemical analysis using ICP, NMR, etc.


About activities

Research activities of Advanced Equipment Analysis Center

Title Society name Announcement year Contents
Examination of simple brassinosteroid analysis method using LC / MS The 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Phytochemical Regulation 2019 detail

Title Journal title Announcement year Contents
The simple and rapid quantification method for L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) from plant sprout using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Plant Biotechnology. DOI: 10.5511 / plantbiotechnology.21.1126a 2022 detail
Plant hormone profile and control over isoprene biosynthesis in a tropical tree Ficus septica Plant biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13386 2022 detail
Propiconazole-induced brassinosteroid deficiency reduces female fertility by inhibiting female gametophyte development in woodland strawberry. Plant cell reports 2022 detail

About research activities of related departments


Confocal laser scanning microscope

Confocal laser scanning microscope

It is an indispensable tool for modern cellular and molecular biology. It can acquire continuous tomogram of samples dyed in high resolution and reconstruct three-dimensional information with computer.

Desktop scanning electronic microscope

Desktop scanning electronic microscope

We can observe from low magnification to high magnification without complicated pretreatment. It has a cooling stage so we can observe delicate samples without drying.

Laser microdissection

Laser microdissection

It is a device that can excise and collect a specific part with a laser while observing a tissue section by the microscope.

Imaging mass spectrometer

Imaging mass spectrometer

It is a device that can directly perform mass spectrometry of tissue sections and creat images of biomolecules based on the obtained information.

HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)

HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)

It is a device that can handle a wide range of activities such as separation, detection and isolation of active ingredients from cultured microorganisms, or identification and quantification of active ingredients.

Virtual slide scanner

Virtual slide scanner

It is used to acquire high-resolution data of tissue samples or frozen samples.

DESI (Imagery Mass Spectrometry System)

Desorption Electrospray-Ionization (DESI) Imaging Mass Spectrometry System

Imaging mass that is particularly excellent for imaging low molecular weight metabolites because it is matrix-free and can ionize biomolecules. It is an analyzer.

Mass spectrometer (LC-MS / MS)

It is used for identification of trace components contained in extracts from living organisms and chemicals, and for quantitative analysis. Since there are various types depending on method when ionizing or detecting the sample, we use them properly according to the purpose and the properties of the sample.


access map

This center is based on the Utsunomiya Campus.

Teikyo University Advanced Instrument Analysis Center
1-1 Toyosatodai Toyosatodai, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 320-8551
(108 Laboratory, 1st floor Department of Biosciences Utsunomiya Campus)

Utsunomiya Campus Transportation Access


Teikyo University Advanced Instrument Analysis Center
