
Division of Sport and Health Science
  • Hachioji Campus
Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology Division of Sport and Health Science

[Newly established in April 2021]

Acquire advanced medical science knowledge and skill
Develop human resources who can conduct education and research
?based on the theory of sports and health science.

In the Department of Division of Sport and Health Science, we will develop human resources who can acquire advanced medical science knowledge and skills and can provide sports guidance and health guidance based on scientific evidence.

Features of the major

In this department, we will develop human resources who can conduct research, guidance, and education based on the theory of sports health science from an international perspective, understanding the effects of sports on the mind and body at sports guidance related facilities, sports organizations, medical institutions, educational institutions, etc.

Human resources to train

  1. Human resources who have expertise and skills in improving competitiveness and preventing / early recovery of sports injuries, and can instruct, educate, and research competitive sports activities from medical scientific knowledge.
  2. Human resources who have expertise and skills related to exercise guidance based on disease prevention and improvement measures, and who can medically instruct, educate, and research exercise for maintaining and improving health.
  3. Human resources who have expertise and practical skills in sports and health science, and have a specialized teacher license who can provide effective guidance, education, and research.

In order to train the above human resources, the following three are set as "ability to become a pillar of sports and health science in this department" .

  • (1)?Advanced medical scientific knowledge
  • (2) Measurement and application of scientific evidence
  • (3) Ability to communicate with other occupations such as medical professionals

This department, which trains such human resources, is established on the foundation of two organizations, the Department of Sport and Medical Science in the Faculty of Medical Technology and the Center for Sports Medicine. We have a large number of staff who are active in the forefront of sports medicine science, such as active athletic trainers and health exercise instructors who are active at the top level in Japan.

Features of the Division of Sport and Health Science



Syllabus of the Department of Division of Sport and Health Science Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology


Grading Criteria

Grades will be announced on Campus Square every semester (at the end of the academic year for students taking only full-time courses). However, for the second year and fourth semester of the Master's program, the university will distribute a report card indicating whether the student has passed or failed. The evaluation criteria are as follows:

Grading Criteria Score Veredict
S. 100-90 points Pass
A 89-80 points
B. 79-70 points
C. 69-60 points
P Passed
(Thesis Review)
D. 59-0 points Fail

Credit Recognition

Master's Course

  • The number of credits required to complete is 32. (12 credits from basic subjects, 6 credits from special research subjects, 14 credits or more from specialized subjects)
  • If you wish to obtain a specialized license for teaching in junior high school (health and physical education) or high school (health and physical education), please consult with the Qualifications Course Section of the Academic Affairs Division.
  • Duplicate courses of the same subject are not allowed.
  • The maximum number of credits that can be registered for courses is 24 credits (annual).
  • In addition to acquiring the required number of credits, students must receive the necessary research guidance, and pass the master's thesis review and examination to complete their studies.