
Phytochemistry Laboratory (Koji Miyamoto Laboratory)
Phytochemistry Laboratory (Koji Miyamoto Laboratory)

Koji Miyamoto

This laboratory conducts research on how plants protect themselves from various environmental stressors such as pest infections. When plants recognize pathogens, they activate a defense response through signal transduction via various plant hormones and activation of downstream target genes by transcription factors. To clarify these induction mechanisms, we mainly use rice as research material and investigate the functions of plant hormones and transcription factors involved in environmental stress responses. Additionally, we study the synthesis and functions of secondary metabolites that plants accumulate in response to environmental stress.

Basic Information

Faculty name/Affiliation Koji Miyamoto / Department of Biosciences at the Faculty of Science and Engineering
Specialized Fields Phytochemistry / plant biotechnology
Research theme Elucidation of the defense response mechanism of plants against environmental stress
Research keywords Disease response, plant hormones, secondary metabolism, transcription factors, biosynthesis
Faculty introduction URL https://www3.med.teikyo-u.ac.jp/profile/ja.defc53ed9c5aa98d.html

Our Research

Understanding the functions of plant hormones involved in the disease resistance response of rice plants.

Understanding the functions of plant hormones involved in the disease resistance response of rice plants.

Different plant hormones play a role in inducing plant disease resistance responses. Previously, it has been known that hormones such as jasmonic acid and salicylic acid are important signaling molecules that induce resistance. However, the involvement of cytokinin in disease resistance was not clear. By using genome editing to create rice plants that lack both cytokinin and jasmonic acid, we found that these rice plants were significantly more susceptible to powdery mildew disease. This suggests that both jasmonic acid and cytokinin play a crucial role in the rice's resistance to powdery mildew.

Functional analysis of jasmonic acid receptors in rice

Functional analysis of jasmonic acid receptors in rice

Jasmonic acid, a plant hormone, is known to be involved not only in the growth and development of plants, such as the inhibition of elongation, aging, and formation of male reproductive organs, but also in the stress response of plants. Plant hormones exert various physiological functions by binding to proteins called receptors. Rice has three genes that code for jasmonic acid receptors, but their functions have not been clarified. Currently, to clarify the function of rice jasmonic acid receptors, mutant strains of each receptor are produced and their expression patterns are analyzed.

Regulatory mechanism of production of antimicrobial secondary metabolites in rice

Regulatory mechanism of production of antimicrobial secondary metabolites in rice

Plants are known to produce various antimicrobial secondary metabolites to protect themselves from infection by pathogenic bacteria. These antimicrobial substances produced by plants are collectively referred to as phytoalexins. Rice produces various phytoalexins, such as momilactone, phytic acid, and sacranine. To date, research has been conducted to uncover the transcriptional regulation mechanism of phytoalexin synthesis genes in order to clarify how rice responds to infection by pathogens and induces the production of phytoalexins. So far, it has been revealed that various transcription factors induce or suppress the transcription of phytoalexin synthesis genes, controlling the production of phytoalexins.

Papers and Conferences Presentation

Paper presentation

Title Journal title Laboratory Contents
Chemical and genetic carotenoid deficiency delays growth in dark-grown Euglena gracilis Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 87(5):491-500,? Laboratory of Plant Molecular Cytology / Laboratory of Phytochemistry detail

Title Journal title Laboratory Contents
Studies on signal transduction in the disease-injury response of jasmonic acid 植物の??調節, Vol. 57, No. 1 Phytochemistry laboratory detail

Title Journal title Laboratory Contents
Deciphering OPDA signaling components in the momilactone-producing moss Calohypnum plumiforme Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 688565. Doi: 10.3389 / ffps.2021.688565 Phytochemistry Laboratory, Organic Structural Chemistry Laboratory, Advanced Instrument Analysis Center detail
Functional kaurene-synthase-like diterpene synthases lacking a gamma domain are widely present in Oryza and related species Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 85 (9), 1945-1952 Phytochemistry laboratory detail
The rice wound-inducible transcription factor RERJ1 sharing same signal transduction pathway with OsMYC2 is necessary for defense response to herbivory and bacterial blight Plant Molecular Biology Phytochemistry laboratory detail
Chitooligosaccharide elicitor and oxylipins synergistically elevate phytoalexin production in rice Plant Molecular Biology Phytochemistry Laboratory, Organic Structural Chemistry Laboratory, Advanced Instrument Analysis Center detail
Unique localization of jasmonic acid-related compounds in developing Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean) seeds revealed through desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry imaging Phytochemistry, 188, 112812, 2021 Food Analysis Laboratory, Phytochemistry Laboratory detail

Title Journal title Laboratory Contents
Genomic evidence for convergent evolution of gene clusters for momilactone biosynthesis in land plants Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Phytochemistry laboratory detail
Cytokinins affect the akinete-germination stage of a terrestrial filamentous cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp. HK-01 Plant Growth Regulation: 92, pages273–282 Phytochemistry laboratory detail

Title Journal title Laboratory Contents
Facile preparation of optically active jasmonates and their biological activities in rice Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 45, 876-881, 2019 Organic Structural Chemistry Laboratory, Phytochemistry Laboratory detail
PUB4, a CERK1-Interacting Ubiquitin Ligase, Positively Regulates MAMP-Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis Plant and Cell Physiology, 60: 2573-2583 Phytochemistry laboratory detail

Title Journal title Laboratory Contents
Distribution analysis of anthocyanins, sugars, and organic acids in strawberry fruits using matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization-imaging mass spectrometry Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Food Analysis Laboratory, Phytochemistry Laboratory detail
Characterization of diterpene synthase genes in the wild rice species Oryza brachyatha provides evolutionary insightinto rice phytoalexin biosynthesis Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 503: 1221-1227 Phytochemistry laboratory detail

Conference presentation

Title Society name Laboratory Contents
Effects of anesthesia treatment on injury response and graft adhesion The 87th Congress of the Botanical Society of Japan Plant Physiology Laboratory/Plant Chemistry Laboratory detail

Title Society name Laboratory Contents
Functional analysis of JAZs that specifically interact with JA receptor OsCOI2 in rice The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. Phytochemistry laboratory detail
Study on lesions caused by jasmonic acid receptor mutants in rice The 56th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants Phytochemistry laboratory detail

Introducing the FacultyThis section introduces details about the research and the passionate thoughts around the research.

Introducing Senior Assistant Professor Koji Miyamoto

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Introduction of Koji Miyamoto