
Features of the Teacher Education Curriculum at Utsunomiya Campus
Features of the Teacher Education Curriculum at Utsunomiya Campus

Introducing the activities of the Utsunomiya Campus in the teaching profession. Through collaboration between faculty members, we are developing activities that are conscious of the connection with the specialized subjects of the faculty.

Fostering teachers with solid competence

Fostering teachers with solid competence

The Utsunomiya Campus has the Faculty of Faculty of Science and Engineering and Technology, the Faculty of Faculty of Medical Technology, the Department of Department of Judo Therapy, and the Faculty of Economics Economics, Department of Regional Economics, and science, medical, and liberal arts students are studying on one campus. Here, we aim to develop teachers with solid ability as education specialists who can guide students who will grow up in the knowledge base society in the future, regardless of the system of the faculty and department.

WEB-based teaching profession course chart

At the Utsunomiya Campus, students taking the teaching profession are required to prepare and write an electronic "teaching profession course registration chart" for grasping the course history and "teaching profession practice exercises". Students will post a review of their enrollment status, grades, and learning status of the teaching profession course during the specified period from the dedicated website. The instructor in charge uses this system to understand the learning situation of the students and to use it for guidance.

Systematic reading instruction

Systematic reading instruction

In order to learn to acquire a wide range of information and disseminate information, we provide systematic reading instruction with a view to both education and specialization, and encourage self-study using the library.

Cooperation between teachers

In order to provide effective and systematic guidance to students, we are promoting cooperation between teachers in charge of teaching profession subjects and teachers in charge of specialized subjects, and are examining the content of lessons in order to enhance the qualifications and abilities of students as teachers.

Interview with successful applicants of teacher recruitment exams


Municipalities that passed: Passed the Hiroshima Prefectural Teacher Recruitment Examination (Health and Physical Education)

Q1. What made you want to become a teacher?

I wanted to help students who are not good at communicating to experience the joy of communicating and the joy and joy of exercising through physical education.

Q2. Please tell us what you worked on to become a teacher after enrollment.

First of all, I made a plan so that I could balance studying for the judo therapist National Examination and studying to become a teacher. In addition, I was able to broaden my range of ideas by interacting with many people through part-time jobs and circles and coming into contact with various ideas and values. In addition, I participated in lectures by active teachers and actively learned about the current situation of educational sites and the teaching methods that are actually used.

Q3. Please tell me the measures for the teacher employment exam.

I solved the past questions, and if there was something I didn't understand, I proceeded with my studies while having the teachers in the teaching profession teach me. In addition, I checked the homepage of the prefectural board of education to find out what kind of things Hiroshima prefecture is focusing on, and while listening to the teachers at my alma mater, I suppressed the characteristics of the prefecture and prepared for the interview.

Q4. Please tell us what you learned in the practical training.

I learned the importance of the ability to convey what I want to convey to the students in a concise manner and the importance of being sharp. In the physical education class, I realized that it is important to convey it in a concise manner because the students take as much time as possible to move their bodies. Also, if you enter the class with the feeling of a break, you may get injured. Therefore, I think it is important to keep the lessons sharp and safe and enjoyable.

Q5. Please tell us the image of the teacher you are aiming for.

I want to be a teacher who makes students think "I want to go to school early" and "I'm looking forward to talking with friends and taking teachers' classes". To that end, I think it is important to think about and practice lessons that students can enjoy while learning, and to look back on them and connect them to the next. I want to be a teacher who grows up with my students.

Q6. Please give some advice to students who want to become teachers.

I think it is difficult to become a teacher while studying for our undergraduate department. I thought it was difficult many times, but when I went to the teaching practice in the 4th year, when I saw the smiling faces of the students while spending time with them, "Let's do our best again". I felt positive and became more motivated to become a teacher. I think that I was able to have such an experience because I worked hard every day. I hope that everyone will do their best as their efforts will surely lead to a good experience.


Municipalities that passed: Saitama Prefecture Teacher Recruitment Examination Passed (Science)

Q1. What made you want to become a teacher?

I have always liked school and thought that it would be fun if I could work at school, which made me want to become a teacher. After enrolling in Teikyo University, through various experiences such as classes in the teaching profession, part-time work at a private school, and educational volunteers, I have come to feel once again that I want to become a teacher who can convey the fun of science to the children I will meet in the future. , I wanted to become a teacher in earnest.

Q2. Please tell us what you worked on to become a teacher after enrollment.

The most important thing I worked on was reading a lot of books. Originally I didn't like reading books, but after I entered university, I tried to read books every day. After all, I thought that becoming a teacher requires a wide range of knowledge and education. As a result, since I started reading books every day, I feel that I have acquired not only knowledge but also thinking ability. And now reading has become my number one hobby.

Q3. Please tell me the measures for the teacher employment exam.

I started preparing for the first exam around the winter of my second year. From there, I systematically studied with the goal of 90% in specialized education (science) and 80% in general / teaching profession. The primary exam is about analyzing trends and taking thorough measures. It is important to take measures for the secondary exam, but I think it is important to improve your view of education and to have your own opinion on educational issues. Once a week, I had a chance to think about education with my teaching friends and university teachers. I think that my view of education was refined there.

Q4. Please tell us what you learned in the practical training.

I learned the importance of communicating with students. This is because the reaction of students is completely different depending on whether they communicate with them or not. The difference was noticeable in class. I felt that the reaction of the students was better in the last lesson, which was closer to the students, than in the first lesson, where I didn't talk much with the students. Teachers have learned that it is important to build relationships of trust with students in their daily lives.

Q5. Please tell us the image of the teacher you are aiming for.

A teacher who can enjoy classes with students in order to convey the fun of science. This is because I think that if the teachers themselves enjoy science, the fun will be transmitted to the students. And a teacher who can make the right decisions. I want to be a teacher who can make the right decisions as a human being, who can scold when students get rid of it, laugh together when it's fun, and apologize to students when they do something wrong. think.

Q6. Please give some advice to students who want to become teachers.

I think it is important to interact with various people and "know humans". It is important to interact with people from various directions, such as playing a lot, working part-time, volunteering, and holding study sessions. By talking to many people, you can learn ideas and different values that you do not have. Ultimately, knowing who you are from those values will help you to improve your ability as a teacher. Make the most of your college student time and become a wonderful faculty member.


Municipalities that have passed: Tochigi Prefecture Teacher Recruitment Examination Pass (Science), Ibaraki Prefecture Teacher Recruitment Examination Pass (Science)

Q1. What made you want to become a teacher?

Originally I liked school and had a strong admiration for the job of being a "teacher". Also, when I was in the third year of high school, I became interested in science and wanted to become a science teacher. At university, I entered the Faculty of Faculty of Science and Engineering and Engineering, where I can learn basic knowledge as a cutting-edge science and technology and science faculty member, and I decided to become a faculty member.

Q2. Please tell us what you worked on to become a teacher after enrollment.

It is to listen to and understand the usual lectures. At university, you will review the contents up to high school and learn more advanced contents. I tried to understand each of the many lectures in my university life and acquire a professional education as a teacher. I also tried to communicate positively. My goal was to have the experience of being able to interact with many people, to understand the opinions and ideas of others, and to broaden my education by listening to stories from various people.

Q3. Please tell me the measures for the teacher employment exam.

I started studying general education lightly from the second half of the first grade, and started taking measures for specialized subjects from the second half of the second grade. At first, I was resolving the work I received in high school, but I thought that science should touch as many problems as possible, so I tried to solve the past questions of the problem collection and the teacher employment examination nationwide. I learned that there are various ways to raise problems for one unit, and I focused on countermeasures. I also listened to the opinions of experts, such as consulting with the teacher about problems that I did not understand.

Q4. Please tell us what you learned in the practical training.

In the practical training, I learned the importance of communicating with students and other teachers and the importance of studying teaching materials. In particular, I felt that active communication with the students would increase their attitude and positivity toward the lessons. Sharing information and talking with teachers helped build a relationship of trust, and I learned that studying teaching materials is very important for developing easy-to-understand lessons for students.

Q5. Please tell us the image of the teacher you are aiming for.

I want to be a teacher who values the relationship with teachers and parents as well as students. I think that a relationship of trust is very important for living a school life. By building a relationship of trust with the students, I want to be able to notice and speak to minor changes. Also, I want to absorb and utilize the good points of other faculty members so that I can always grow, and I want to remember the consciousness of learning everything.

Q6. Please give some advice to students who want to become teachers.

I think that there are many things that I find "difficult" and "hard", such as balancing the classes of the department with the teaching profession and preparing for the teacher employment exam. But when you get over them, you'll get a great sense of accomplishment. I think it is important not to give up until the end and continue toward the goal. And please value the relationship with the friends you meet and overcome each other while helping each other. I support you so that you can become your dream teacher.

Municipalities that passed: Ibaraki Prefecture Teacher Recruitment Examination Passed (Society)

Q1. What made you want to become a teacher?

Since I was in the second year of college, I have been a coach at the Tochigi Prefectural Utsunomiya Commercial High School baseball club. As I spend time with the members every day, I have come to want to be involved not only in club activities but also in school life. I had a vague desire to become a teacher from the beginning of university, but after this experience, I decided to become a teacher "absolutely".

Q2. Please tell us what you worked on to become a teacher after enrollment.

Of course, you should spend your daily life carefully, such as studying when you can study, getting a good night's sleep when you go to bed, and eating properly, but the only thing you have devised is not to look at SNS. That's what I did. I didn't want to know useless information, so I was conscious of not seeing or searching.

Q3. Please tell me the measures for the teacher employment exam.

I had never studied deeply before, so I consulted with my friends and teachers and started to assemble from the way of studying. As a result, we decided to repeat the cycle of solidifying the basics, solving each question, solving the problem collection, and solving the Previous test papers.

Q4. Please tell us what you learned in the practical training.

"The word" voice "should be the" fertilizer "of fertilizer, and it is necessary to make a voice that can be used as fertilizer," said the coach of Utsunomiya Commercial High School. In the practical training, I could actually feel that the students and teachers were talking to each other and sharing energy with each other. Regardless of the difference in the position of students and teachers, the training school had a relationship of fertilizing each other, so I wanted to build such a relationship again.

Q5. Please tell us the image of the teacher you are aiming for.

I want to be a "teacher who is not like a teacher". This is a goal and a dream. We will also strive to be a person who is flexible, broad-minded, and relaxed, who can learn from and be taught by students. I will do my best to get closer to the image of the teachers I am aiming for, using the teachers who have taken care of me as a model.

Q6. Please give some advice to students who want to become teachers.

Remember to be grateful. Someone always sees everyday life. It is impossible that no one is watching. After all, I am constantly monitoring my days. I feel that it is important to live while thinking about whether you can be proud of your daily life. Good luck.

Q1. What made you want to become a teacher?

When I was practicing with my juniors in club activities when I was in high school, I sometimes felt the growth of my juniors at a moment's notice. I remember being happy when people grew up, such as "being able to do what I couldn't do" and "changing my way of thinking." From that time on, I became fascinated by teaching and became a teacher.

Q2. Please tell us what you worked on to become a teacher after enrollment.

After enrolling, I valued all the lectures. I think that both specialized subjects and teaching profession courses are important for becoming a teacher. I tried to improve the degree of perfection as much as possible without cutting corners in each task.

Q3. Please tell me the measures for the teacher employment exam.

I think it is effective to focus on studying the parts that you are not good at in your specialized subject. Science requires a wide range of knowledge in physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science. Due to the wide range, re-studying everything can be a daunting task. It is recommended that you find the parts that you are not good at while solving Previous test papers and gradually overcome them. In addition, individual interviews, group discussions, essays, etc. will be required for the secondary exam. After all, I think it's a good idea to crush the secondary exams from the ones you are not good at.

Q4. Please tell us what you learned in the practical training.

In the practical training, I was able to get to know the real scene. By actually interacting with the students, I learned how to interact with the students and how to teach, which cannot be learned by classroom lectures alone. Besides, I think I was able to objectively know whether I am suitable for a teacher or whether I can do my job well. Teachers have to do not only classes but also various tasks such as life guidance, making handouts, correcting assignments, and club activities. It was also an opportunity to know what I lacked.

Q5. Please tell us the image of the teacher you are aiming for.

I want to be a teacher who keeps learning. Today's society is changing rapidly due to the declining birthrate and aging population, globalization, and the shift to IT. I think we need to keep learning to be flexible and adaptable to change. I would like to be such an existence that I can learn with my students without stopping my daily learning.

Q6. Please give some advice to students who want to become teachers.

I think teachers are a very rewarding and attractive profession. However, there is a lot of work content, and physical strength is also required. I want you to design your career by comparing it with various options. It is quite difficult to balance specialized subjects and teaching profession courses, but I want you to do your best to become your ideal teacher.