
Children's Education Center
Children's Education Center

In addition to supporting qualifications for nursery teachers and kindergarten teachers
We support employment at child welfare facilities

At the Children's Education Center, full-time teachers who are familiar with the field of childcare and child welfare provide support for obtaining nursery teacher and kindergarten teacher qualifications and for employment at childcare and child welfare facilities. In guidance related to practical training and career guidance, we strive to provide a better educational environment for students Faculty of Education by providing detailed and careful guidance that meets the needs of each student.


About Children's Education Center

Center philosophy

free and open place
It can be freely used by not only students aiming to become childcare workers and kindergarten teachers, but also students considering a career path related to welfare and children, regardless of their faculty. Multiple center faculty members are available for consultation at any time.

A place where people of all grades can gather and experience growth.
It can be used for a wide range of purposes, from preparing for childcare/kindergarten training to job hunting. You can grow into the person you aspire to be through various forms of communication, such as exchanging information between students and receiving advice from center instructors.

A place that supports students from admission to post-graduation
At this center, we will support each student from admission to graduation so that they can independently pursue their desired career path by acquiring qualifications. Even after graduation, it has become a place where you can feel free to visit for advice when you are in trouble or lost, or to report on happy moments.

Head of Center Kiyone Ashizawa

As a center open to Faculty of Education, the Center for Children's Education focuses on employment support not only at kindergartens and nursery schools, but also at various welfare sites. In the future, we plan to expand guidance and individual support so that many students can use it easily. In addition, at this center, you can browse various materials related to practical training and employment left by successive graduates. It is a place where various students gather beyond the walls of departments and courses.


Professor Kiyone Ashizawa
Assistant Professor Motoko Ishikawa
Assistant Professor Atsushi Koizumi
Assistant Professor Goko Nishina
Assistant Professor Ikui Medo

(as of June 2023)

Learning support

We provide a wide range of learning support, including preparation for childcare/kindergarten training, job hunting, and recurrent education. It is also used by center teachers as a place to encourage students to exchange information and communicate across grades.

■Consultation/interview regarding childcare training
We accept consultations regarding general training related to childcare and kindergarten teaching training. Before the practical training, we conduct individual interviews to clarify the practical training tasks, listen to any concerns and provide advice, and support the students so that they can have a fulfilling practical training. We also provide individual guidance on creating daily journals and lesson plans, depending on the needs of the students. After the training, we also hold individual interviews to help students reflect on their own training, deepen their learning, and support them in their next training. If you have any concerns, no matter how small, please feel free to come and talk to us.

  • * Please contact the Educational Affairs Group for consultation regarding childcare worker training, acquiring credits for teacher training courses, and teaching licenses.
Preparation for childcare training

■Childcare training preparation room
This center has teaching materials such as colored drawing paper and origami. Before the practical training, students can create their own (partial) practical work through trial and error or seek advice from instructors. We also have books related to childcare practices and training, so you can create your own on the spot while looking at the books. In addition, the adjacent nursery training room is stocked with picture books, picture-story shows, and large-sized picture books, so you can choose picture books to read aloud for practice or practical training.

Providing information regarding training

■Providing information regarding training
The records of the training conducted by senior students are organized into files by training location, and can be viewed freely by students. Facility pamphlets and materials, content of the training (outline of the training, main duties, partial training, etc.), reflection on the training (what I learned about the facility, changes in my way of thinking before and after the training, things I learned about myself through the training) I file down things I want to convey to my juniors, such as assignments, etc. By reading the records of your seniors, you can easily visualize the training and clarify your mindset and learning for the training.

Notification and consultation regarding childcare and welfare volunteering (volunteer guidance)

■Notification and consultation regarding childcare and welfare volunteering (volunteer guidance)
We accept consultations regarding childcare and welfare volunteer work. In addition, information about volunteering and part-time jobs is posted on bulletin boards inside and outside the center to provide information to students.

Employment consultation/guidance

■Employment consultation/guidance
We hold employment guidance according to a wide variety of types and support employment in childcare and welfare fields. We respond to a wide range of needs by providing a wide range of information, from how to proceed with job hunting to how to read job postings and test preparation. In addition, for students aiming to become civil servants in the child care and welfare fields, we provide guidance for the civil service exam and opportunities to invite seniors who have passed the exam to listen to their stories. We also provide guidance to students from Faculty of Education and other faculties to help them find employment as child instructors in welfare facilities. Individual employment consultations are always available.

■Individual support
We provide support that is tailored to each student. We provide detailed support according to students' needs, from consultation regarding employment opportunities, resume corrections, and job interview practice. Students who have decided on a job are asked to fill out a job report with information about the content of the employment exam, interview details, test preparation, and messages to juniors. This report is used by junior students in their job hunting activities and helps motivate students.

Teaching practice floor 01
Teaching practice floor 02
Teaching practice floor 03

Alumni and student gathering

■Alumni and student gathering
As part of the recurrent education of graduates, we hold a gathering of graduates once a year. Alumni who are active in various fields such as childcare, education, and welfare gather together to renew old friendships, have discussions and share information, and serve as a place for alumni to learn. It also provides an opportunity to meet and expand connections with alumni from various years.

■Alumni visit
Alumni are always welcome to visit our office. Many alumni come to visit us on their days off in lieu of childcare events, and the center's teachers learn from workplace stories and the latest information on the field. We sometimes speak directly with students who were present at the center, and current students may be inspired by alumni and have the opportunity to consider their future career paths. We also accept career change consultations for graduates.

Facility introduction

It is located on the 9th floor of Hachioji Campus Solatio Square. This center has materials and teaching materials related to childcare, welfare, and children. There are childcare training rooms on both sides of the center, which are equipped with picture books, picture-story shows, toys, etc., and provide an environment where children can actually touch them.

Breast milk preparation/bathroom
Breast milk preparation/bathroom
Childcare teaching materials
Childcare teaching materials
Inside the center
Inside the center
Childcare training room A
Childcare training room A
Childcare training room B
Childcare training room B
Childcare training room B
Childcare training room B

Overall diagram of the Children's Education Center


Teikyo University Children's Education Center
359 Otsuka, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0395
Hachioji Campus SORATIO SQUARE 9F
[Opening hours] Weekdays 9:30-17:30

  • * Various consultations are accepted during the opening hours. In addition, the materials can be viewed freely.


Teikyo University Children's Education Center
