
Department of Judo Therapy
  • Utsunomiya Campus
Faculty of Medical Technology Department of Judo Therapy

Equipped with advanced technology and knowledge,
Supporting the health of patients
Raise a judo therapist


Judo rehabilitation, which utilizes traditional judo techniques to treat fractures, dislocations, sprains, etc. without surgery, has been used as a traditional medical treatment since ancient times in Japan. At the Faculty of Medical Technology, Teikyo University, we train judo therapist who does not only acquire the knowledge of acquiring qualifications but also perform treatments from the patient's point of view. In recent years, it is also expected to play an active role in the welfare field as a sports trainer and a "functional training instructor" who maintains and strengthens the function of the legs and waist from the viewpoint of long-term care prevention.

Department of Judo Therapy Close-UP

Department of Judo Therapy

Campus where you can study medical care, literature, and science and engineering
In the Department of Judo Therapy, students aim to be an athletic trainer as well as a judo therapist. Using the knowledge as a judo therapist and an athletic trainer, they are expected to play an active role in osteopathic clinics, hospitals, and sports sites. In addition, the Utsunomiya Campus also has the Faculty of Economics, Department of Regional Economics and the Faculty of Science and Engineering, where students study not only medical knowledge but also literary and science and engineering subjects, and acquire a multifaceted perspective by taking advantage of being a comprehensive university .

The 11th Judo Rehabilitation Toyosatodai Symposium was held

The 11th Judo Rehabilitation Toyosatodai Symposium was held
Department of Judo Therapy holds the Toyosatodai Symposium on Judo Therapy every year. Not only students but also faculty and staff, as well as many graduates, participate and deepen exchanges through lectures.

About the Department of Judo Therapy

Let's aim to be judo therapist rehabilitator who understands the feelings of cells
The Department of Judo Therapy at Teikyo University does more than just aim to become a judo therapist. With a focus on judo therapist we aim to obtain an athletic trainer who play an active role in the field of professional sports, and a junior high school or high school teacher's license (health and physical education) that makes use of the knowledge of judo rehabilitation. The faculty provides detailed support toward the course students aim for. In addition, the Utsunomiya Campus has three faculties of medical care, science and engineering, and liberal arts, and supports learning from various fields.

About the Department of Judo Therapy


In the 1st grade, students acquire basic knowledge related to judo rehabilitation such as body structure and work, and at the same time deepen their education such as the history of judo rehabilitation and ethics in medical care. In the 2nd grade, they apply the basics to enhance medical knowledge, and in the 3rd grade, they acquire skills through clinical training and improve our application skills. In the 4th year, they aim to further improve their knowledge and skills through clinical training. In addition, they aim to improve their skills in preparation for the national examination and for each career path.


Syllabus of the Department of Judo Therapy Therapy

  • *Students must select "Utsunomiya Campus" for Timetable Affiliation, and enter the course classification.

Class Introduction

Emergency medical care
Students acquire the knowledge and skills of first aid that are considered to be the minimum necessary to play an active part in the sports field in this class and practical training (including group presentation). Finally, using the facilities around the gymnasium on the Utsunomiya Campus, students perform a comprehensive simulation assuming that injuries have occurred at the sports site, including the contents of all classes and practical training. Students aim to understand the significance and purpose of first aid and to acquire the practical ability to respond to emergencies by actively utilizing the surrounding human resources and materials in an emergency.

Internal Medicine
In this class, based on the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology that have been learned so far, students learn the etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnostic methods, and treatment methods for major diseases in the field of internal medicine (excluding neurological diseases). Internal Medicine is the basic discipline of all clinical medicine such as surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and can be considered as one of the subjects that all future medical professionals should study. Even for judo therapist it is a daily occurrence that patients (especially elderly people) who are undergoing treatment for fractures are suffering from various other diseases, so in the future, we will follow the basic principle "not seeing the lesions but seeing the patient is important" and it is necessary to properly the principle properly. Lectures are systematically organized by organs such as respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and urinary organs.


From the 4th grade, clinical training begins on real site in the same way as in other departments. This department have practices at the attached Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office and the Hachioji Osteopathic Institute adjacent to the Hachioji Campus, and students surely acquire diagnostic and therapeutic techniques through the practical training. Through communication with patients on site, we train judo therapist who can be considerate of the other person.

Clinical training schedule

Training schedule

Clinical training is conducted at the attached osteopathic clinic. After learning how to write a clinical training chart, types of equipment, and effects in the pre-training, students practice deepening the understanding of the work of a judo therapist and reconfirm the necessary knowledge and required abilities. After the training, students hold a clinical training case review meeting for cases to deepen the understanding of clinical cases.

  • * 1 Trainer training is conducted only for the trainer course.
  • * 2 Hospital training is only available to those who wish.

Clinical Training Subjects

Image photo of basic medical training

Basic medical training
Medicine is based on the knowledge of basic medicine, and the clinical system makes various applications based on this knowledge and uses it for treatment. The purpose of basic medical science training is to serve as a bridge to link the knowledge of basic medicine learned in the lower grades to clinical medicine in order to understand the clinical subjects as a judo therapist as the grade progresses. How the basic medical matters already learned are related to clinical practice and how they are applied, such as ultrasound, electromyogram, respiratory circulation, cutaneous sensation, pathological specimens, and anatomy department of Itabashi Campus School of School of Medicine. By dividing into small to medium groups with more than 10 themes such as anatomical body tours, students gain a solid understanding and acquire the attitude of thinking, investigating, and summarizing by themselves.

Training facility

Exterior photo of Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office

Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office
Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office was opened in April 2010 as a training facility for the Department of Judo Therapy. Normally, it is a general facility that can be used by local residents, and in the 4th grade, practical training is conducted using this therapy office. On actual site students acquire not only technology but also humanity and communication skills.

Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Clinic

Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office Photo 01
Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office Photo 02
Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office Photo 03
Teikyo Toyosatodai Judo Therapy Office Photo 04
Inside photo of Teikyo Hachioji Judo Therapy Office

Teikyo Hachioji Judo Therapy Office
The Osteopathic Institute is located on the 1st floor of the Teikyo University Budokan, which was established in 2013, and students of this department can also practice at the Hachioji Osteopathic Institute. This Budokan is equipped with an osteopathic clinic and Karate dojo on the 1st floor, Judo hall on the 2nd floor, Kendo hall on the 3rd floor, and a training room on the 1st basement floor. It is a valuable place where students can experience the environment that supports athletes.

Teikyo Hachioji Judo Therapy Office


Grading Criteria

About our GPA System

The purpose of introducing the GPA (Grade Point Average) system is to: 1) create a unified campus standard, 2) provide a highly impartial standard, and 3) be an internationally accepted standard in order to evaluate academic achievement through an objective numerical value. This system is based on the grading system adopted by many foreign universities. It is an indicator that can prove academic ability when studying abroad, entering a graduate school overseas, or finding employment at a foreign company.

Display of Grades and Assessment Criteria

Classification Grading Criteria GPA Grading Criteria Details of Assessment
Pass S. 4.0 90 percent or higher Represents particularly excellent grades.
A 3.0 80 percent Represents excellent grades
B. 2.0 70 percent Represents grades recognized as adequate.
C. 1.0 60 percent Represents the minimum grade acceptable as a pass.
Fail D. 0.0 59 points or less
Represents that students have not reached the minimum grades acceptable as a pass
absence 0.0 Missing the exam Represents that students have not taken the exam for the class or have not submitted a report, etc.
Unqualified 0.0 Not eligible to take the exam Represents that students are not eligible to take the exam due to insufficient attendance at the class or have abandoned the course.?

GPA Calculation Method

GPA Calculation Method

Credit Recognition

To earn credits

  1. Credit system
    Courses at the university are based on credits. the credits are determined based on the number of hours of study, and one credit is based on 45 hours (15 hours for lessons, 15 hours for preparation, 15 hours for review) taking into consideration of the method of lessons and the educational effect of lessons.)?
Class method class time Preparatory learning (preparation, review)
Lectures / Practices 15 to 30 hours 30 to 15 hours
Experiment / Practice / Practical skill 30 to 45 hours 15 hours
  1. Get credit
    Credits can be earned by registering for classes at the beginning of each semester, attending classes, completing the necessary preparatory studies, and passing the exam. University credits are based on the number of class hours. As a general rule, if you do not attend at least 2/3 of the class hours, you will not be eligible to take the exam. Please try to attend the class first.

About graduation credits

To graduate, you must be in school for at least 4 years and earn at least 125 credits. The table below shows the breakdown of the minimum number of credits required for graduation.
If graduation is not approved, you will have to repeat a year and you will not be able to take the judo therapist National Examination.

Minimum number of credits required for graduation (students enrolled in 2021)

Field unit 1 year compulsory 2 years compulsory 3 years compulsory 4 years compulsory Elective
Basic field 22 credits 8 4 2 2 6
Specialized basic field 42 credits 12 10 15 5 0
Specialized Fields 61 credits 10 13 15 23 0
Total 125 units 30 27 32 30 6