
Department of Nursing
  • Itabashi Campus
Faculty of Medical Technology Department of Nursing

Corresponding to the diversifying lifestyles of people,
We train nurses full of humanity


With the advent of a super-aging society, the demand for nurses is extremely high, and the places of activity such as welfare facilities and home nursing, as well as working in hospitals, have expanded in recent years. In this department, we train nurses who can respond to the rapidly changing medical field and meet the needs of society and patients with a fulfilling learning environment and a curriculum that allows you to specialize in each area.

Department of Nursing Close-UP


"The 7th TEIKYO NURSING FESTA was held"
Students of this department participate in the "TEIKYO NURSING FESTA" held at the Itabashi Campus May each year. This event is sponsored by the Teikyo University Center for Nursing and Vocational Training, and the students and teachers of this department and Teikyo Senior Nursing School, and the nursing staff of the Faculty of School of Medicine Hospital cooperate to convey the appeal of Community Partnership and nursing. It is carried out for this purpose. Through this event, students have the opportunity to interact with local people, learn communication, and learn care techniques used in nursing practice.

Teikyo University Center for Nursing and Vocational Training

Taipei Medical University Exchange Program

"Taipei Medical University Exchange Program"
The Taipei Medical University exchange program includes on-site training at hospitals in Taiwan and tours of various medical sites such as facilities for the elderly and public health centers. In addition to learning about Taiwan's medical situation and nursing, students can get to know Taiwanese culture and people and acquire International perspectives through exchanges with students of Taipei Medical University.

Taipei Medical University Exchange Program


Students systematically learn the specialized knowledge that is indispensable for nursing practice from the basics. In addition, we provide detailed guidance up to future design such as career planning through small group fresh seminars and advanced seminars. In the 1st year, by learning Human Communication, which is indispensable for Team Medical Care, students understand the relationship with other occupations.


Department of Nursing syllabus

Course Requirements

Course requirements of: Department of Orthoptics, Department of Nursing, Department of Radiological Technology, Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, and the Department of Sport and Medical Science - Emergency Medical Technician Course

Class Introduction

Life design exercise I
Shortly after enrolling, students learn the basics of the study methods necessary for university studies mainly through group study while interacting with the fellow students they will be studying with. We begin by getting to know each other through self-introductions and others' introductions, which eases tension and anxiety and provides a place to make friends. Afterwards, students will learn how to search for literature, the basics of writing reports and papers, the foundations of ethical judgment, reading texts, and critical thinking through exercises and group work. Students will deepen their learning by discussing what they have learned through self-study through group work in class, and presenting their findings. In accordance with the group advisor system that is a feature of our department, faculty members in charge of groups support students' studies while providing advice and guidance tailored to each individual student. This course will form the basis of report writing and information ethics for various future courses.

Basic nursing training
As nursing professionals, nurses are required to have the practical ability to provide high-quality nursing care from the patient's perspective. You will learn the basic techniques to provide nursing care that is ethical and scientifically based in accordance with the norms of society in line with the times. This subject is the first practice subject studied in 1st year. Learn the common foundations of nursing technology ("What is nursing technology?", "Communication," "Safety," "Environment," and "Body mechanics"), and then acquire knowledge about assistance in daily life ("Activity/rest", "Cleanliness"). and learn techniques. Nursing techniques are learned through exercises (including group work), but in order to utilize the process of understanding the patient's condition and providing specific nursing techniques, it is necessary to not only practice the procedures but also communicate with the patient. We will acquire skills to value health and monitor health conditions. In the exercises, students play the roles of patients, nurses, and observers, and by giving objective feedback to each other, they learn while sharing their learning and clarifying their own challenges.

Nursing assistance theory
Students learn the principles, principles, and methods specialized in daily life support techniques for nursing subjects. Focusing on learning through exercises rather than learning procedures, we aim to acquire assistive techniques backed by a deep understanding of knowledge through classroom lectures and knowledge in a wide range of fields. By experiential learning through role and independent learning, we develop the ability to think for ourselves and provide individualized living support to nursing subjects.


On-site training schedule

On-site training schedule

We work with doctors to help patients diagnose and treat, but not all are assistant jobs. It is important to determine what is needed from a nursing perspective and respond accordingly. Students learn them in the basic nursing practice conducted in the 1st and 2nd year years, and deepen your understanding of each area in the clinical training starting in the 3rd and 4th year years. On-site training will be carried out step by step from the 1st year and 2nd year basic nursing practice to the 4th year, in relation to lectures and exercises. For people from children to the elderly, inpatients to those who are receiving medical treatment at home, students carry out treatments at various facilities such as home, welfare facilities, kindergartens as well as medical institutions. It is also possible to participate in short-term training at overseas partner schools.

On-site training course

Image photo of elderly nursing practice

Elderly Nursing Practice
In this training, we learned about the actual conditions of the elderly living in the Long-Term Care Health Facility and the Long-Term Care Health Facility and the elderly living in the community who are using the outpatient services of both facilities, and responded to the health and living conditions of the elderly. Think about the ideal way of nursing for the elderly. Specifically, we will spend sufficient time with the elderly to engage in communication, and engage in singing exercises such as "Umeboshi no Utamoto Gas Exercise" at the training facility and physical and mental activities in daily life planned mainly by students. We will work on the practice of recreation for the elderly. As a result, the influence of the values, beliefs, and long life history of the elderly at the final stage of the life cycle on the current quality of life and health is noticed, and the individuality and diversity of each elderly person. You will deepen your understanding of.

Image photo of pediatric nursing practice

Pediatric nursing practice
Pediatric nursing practice trains human resources who can be "children's allies" while following the perspectives of children and their families. Practicing in kindergarten and pediatric ward, in kindergarten training, you will learn about the growth and development of children in early childhood, who are undergoing rapid changes while interacting with healthy children, and learn the process of acquiring daily living abilities. In the pediatric ward training, the student does not take a one-sided view of the situation of the child and family for the sick child and family, but the trainee himself influences the child and family. Attempts to understand the situation. We aim to create new ideas of care that lead to the happiness of children and their families because of the fresh feeling of students.

Image photo of community / home nursing practice

Community / Home Nursing Practice
In community / home nursing practice, you will acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to develop nursing activities that meet the health conditions and needs of people living in the community. We will carry out "home nursing training" to support the continuous nursing of the nursing caregiver in the area such as the home-visit nursing station and "community nursing practice" to think about the social resources and services necessary for the nursing caregiver and the family. The target of community / home nursing practice is not limited to the recuperators living in the area, but the family of the recuperator and the environment in which the recuperator lives are also considered as the target of nursing, and necessary assistance is considered. In addition, when conducting nursing activities, we will develop practical training focusing on nursing that emphasizes cooperation with other occupations, care management techniques, and the values of the target person. You can capture a wide range of subjects living in the community and experience the expansion of the horizons of nursing.

Image photo of mental nursing practice

Psychiatric nursing practice
This training is one of the specialized field training starting from the second half of the 3rd year. Based on the lessons in the field of psychiatric nursing that you have learned so far, you will practice at a Psychiatry hospital, etc., and learn how to practice Psychiatry nursing there and how to collaborate with other occupations. One student will face each patient, take care of their physical and daily life, listen to and discuss the patient's voice, and gradually build a relationship of mutual trust. Furthermore, we will understand the individual difficulties, sufferings, and desires (hopes) of the patient while grasping the background of the person's life, and consider and practice care that can alleviate or solve the problem as much as possible. At that time, many discussions and conferences are held among the instructors, training instructors, and students so that they can have a deeper understanding.

Public health nursing practice
In the 4th year, we will provide practical training for students in the public health teacher course at health centers, health centers, companies, etc. in the 23 wards of Tokyo. The purpose of public health nursing practice is to assess the health issues of the target person and understand the development of health activities based on the knowledge of nursing practice that has been learned so far. The target people of public health nurses are of a wide range of ages, from pregnant women and infants to the elderly, and their health levels vary from healthy people to those receiving home care. In addition, the living conditions are different from the working generation to those who have retired. Learn from a public health nurse perspective what kind of social environment you are living in and what are the expected health challenges. In the actual training, individuals who are specialized in health teachers while participating in health projects such as health checkups, health consultations, health education, home-visit guidance, group activity support, and employee health management at business establishments. Learn how to approach groups / organizations and communities from. On the final day, a debriefing session is held on campus to announce the results of the training and share the learning.

List of main training destinations

Teikyo University Hospital, Teikyo University Hospital, Mizonokuchi of the National Public Service Mutual Aid Association, Teikyo Kindergarten, Nursing Homes for the Elderly, Secom Visiting Nursing Station, CarePro Co., Ltd. Home Medical Care Division, and others
Public health centers and public health centers in each of the 23 wards (only for those who select public health nurse)

(As of April 2024)


Grading Criteria

Criteria For Advance to the next grade and Graduation certification, etc.

Annual promotion conditions and graduation / completion requirements are clearly stated in the course requirements, and are thoroughly known to students in the guidance at the beginning of the academic year. Advance to the next grade and graduation assessment meeting is held at the end of the year, and these are strictly operated based on the assessment materials. Failure to meet the requirements for advancement and graduation as specified in the course requirements results in retention in the original class.?
The evaluation criteria for all subjects is specified in the course requirements distributed at the beginning of each semester. The evaluation scale varies depending on the subject, but in general, the grades of regular exams, grades of submissions such as reports, attendance status, and attitude of learning are apportioned and evaluated as a total.

Display of Grades and Assessment Criteria

Classification Grading Criteria GPA Grading Criteria Details of Assessment
Pass S. 4.0 90 percent or higher Represents particularly excellent grades.
A 3.0 80 percent Represents excellent grades.
B. 2.0 70 percent Represents grades recognized as adequate.
C. 1.0 60 percent Represents the minimum grade acceptable as a pass.
Fail D. 0.0 Less than 60 percent This means that the student has not reached the minimum grade acceptable as a pass. It also includes the lack of class attendance, the fact that the exams for the class have not been taken, and so on.
  • * GP: Points used to calculate GPA

About our GPA System

GPA (Grade Point Average) is a system that evaluates achievements of learning with objective numerical values. This system is generally based on the grade evaluation system based on universities in the United States and Europe.

GPA Calculation Method

GPA Calculation Method

Credit Recognition

Minimum number of courses or credits required for graduation

12 credits for compulsory subjects in the basic field and 6 credits or more for elective courses, 18 credits or more in total, 23 credits for compulsory courses in the specialized basic field, 2 credits or more for elective courses, 25 credits or more in total, 75 credits for compulsory courses and 6 credits for elective courses in the specialized field As mentioned above, students must acquire a total of 81 credits or more and a total of 124 credits or more.