
List of Laboratories
List of Laboratories

We aim to train pharmacists who pursue medicine by digging into it scientifically.

There are more than 30 laboratories in our Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Students are studying a wide variety of research themes, including a laboratory supervised by the Pharmacy Department of Teikyo University Hospital a laboratory aiming to develop vaccine formulations, and a laboratory conducting research on drugs and their side effects.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Course

Main research contents
Research on the structure and function of functional proteins that play an important role in life support and the causative proteins of diseases

Laboratory introduction
Our laboratory is one of the constituent laboratories of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Course. In terms of education, we are in charge of basic physical chemistry for 1st graders, physical chemistry 3 for 2nd graders, physical chemistry lectures for 4th and 6th graders, and physical chemistry training for 2nd graders. In addition, we are also in charge of the special lecture on biomolecular physical characteristics at the Graduate School. It is important to understand the structure and function of biomolecules, which play an important role in life support, and pharmaceuticals and chemical substances that act on living organisms from the molecular level on the viewpoint of physical chemistry. This also leads to a deeper understanding of other pharmacy specialty subjects. In addition, as part of our graduation research, our laboratory has been conducting research on biomolecules from the above perspectives and has achieved good results.

The instructor
Professor Naoko Tate
Senior Assistant Professor Genta Ito
Senior Assistant Professor Takuya Murata

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Biomolecular Chemistry Laboratory

Main research contents

  1. Elucidation of the mechanisms of memory and learning using whole-body animals
  2. Searching for treatments for cerebral palsy, muscular disorders, and other neurological disorders
  3. Physicochemical research on the synthesis, properties, and applications of porphyrins and hemes

Laboratory Introduction
I am mainly in charge of the lectures for the second semester of the first year, "Physical Chemistry II," and the first semester of the second year, "Physical Chemistry III." "Physical Chemistry" is a field that considers chemical phenomena theoretically using physical or mathematical methods. The content covers nearly half of high school chemistry, including theoretical chemistry learned in high school (concentration of solution, heat of reaction and thermochemical equations, batteries), structure and state of matter (three states of matter, properties of gases, properties of solutions), reaction rate and equilibrium. The difference from high school is that the mechanisms are considered theoretically from a more molecular perspective. In terms of education, I will support students in understanding these fields of physical chemistry through lectures and practical training.

The instructor
Professor Yasushi Kishimoto
Senior Assistant Professor: Hirofumi Konno

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Physical Chemistry Laboratory

Main research contents

  • Development of a simple quantification method for biological components using fluorescence reaction
  • Search and application of novel functional peptides latent in biological components

Laboratory introduction
"Analytical chemistry" is the basis of all research, and no research can proceed without "analysis" and "measurement". In other words, "analytical chemistry" can be developed into any research.
The lectures and practical training of our laboratory focus on quantitative analysis, instrumental analysis and calculation problems, and have a lot of basic contents. In the laboratory, students are doing research ahead of the world.
Our laboratory creates a cozy atmosphere so that students can easily stop by. A variety of staff with a wealth of life experience conducts daily lectures, regular exam consultations, career / employment talks, and even life consultations.

The instructor
Professor Kenichi Mawatari
Senior Assistant Professor Makoto Yasuda

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Pharmaceutical Analysis Laboratory

Main research contents

  • Exploratory research into disease risk factors (biomarkers)
  • Purine Metabolism Research
  • Research on urinary stones

Laboratory Introduction
Research is characterized by the application of analytical techniques to clinical practice, and the use of analytical equipment such as liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Research themes cover a wide range of diseases and subjects to be measured, so students can choose from many themes that interest them for their graduation research. Students aim to work seriously on their research, and to have fun outside of it. Faculty members are available to listen sympathetically and provide advice, so students are welcome to ask questions or seek advice, whether in or outside the lab.
In education, I am in charge of lectures and practical training related to physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and organic chemistry (herbal medicines and Chinese medicine).

The instructors
Associate Professor, Noriko Yamaoka
Associate Professor, Daisuke Saegusa
Senior Assistant Professor, Tomoko Fukuuchi

Subjects in charge
1st year: Pharmacy Practice 1, Pharmacy Practice 2
2nd year: Instrumental Analysis, Physical Chemistry 3, Pharmaceutical Practice 3
3rd year: Clinical Analysis, Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry
4th year: Introduction to Chinese medicine, Special lectures on basic pharmacology, Pharmacy training 8
5th grade: Frontiers of Pharmacy, Medical Communication 4, Integrated Pharmacy Seminar 1
6th grade: Integrated Pharmacy Lectures 1, 2, 3, Integrated Pharmacy Seminar 2
Graduate School: Specialized Biocomponent Analysis, Specialized Chinese Herbal Medicine

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Clinical Analysis Laboratory

Laboratory introduction
The Metabolic Chemistry Laboratory is a new laboratory that was just opened in April 2018, and conducts education and research in collaboration with the Drug Discovery Chemistry Laboratory.
Our laboratory's research field is bioorganic chemistry, and students can deeply study the specialized field of organic synthesis, or they can touch a wide range of academic fields that include biochemistry and analytical chemistry beyond the boundaries of their specialty. In our laboratory, we are working on research with the goal of synthesizing an artificial nucleic acid called peptide nucleic acid (PNA) and putting it into practical use as a pharmaceutical product. PNA recognizes the base sequences of DNA and RNA and inhibits the action of unfavorable genes. We would like to use PNA to develop new treatments to overcome previously difficult diseases such as cancer and viruses. In addition, PNA can accurately identify slight differences in genes, so it is also useful as a diagnostic agent for detecting gene mutations that cause diseases. Gene mutations in proteins involved in drug transport and metabolism are greatly affected by individual differences in drug effects and side effects, so if these mutations are found before drug administration, drug treatment can be made safer and more effective.

The instructors
Associate Professor, Toru Sugiyama
Assistant Professor, Shunsuke Moriya

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Metabolic Chemistry Laboratory

Main research contents
We discover the mechanism by which a drug takes a three-dimensional structure and binds to enzymes and receptors in the body to exert its effect.

Laboratory introduction
Our laboratory specializes in synthetic organic chemistry, and aims to train future researchers and pharmacists by studying a wide range of subjects from the basics of organic chemistry to difficult reactions. Most of the medicines are organic compounds. Therefore, it is very important for drug experts to understand the characteristics and properties of medicine from the structural formula. Each student in the laboratory has a different theme and think and work on the experiment by himself. By synthesizing compounds using the reactions learned in textbooks, they can feel organic chemistry closer to them. Therefore, students who are not good at organic chemistry can enjoy learning.
1st grade: Invitation to Pharmacy 1, Basic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry 1
2nd grade: Pharmacy Training 3
3rd grade: Medicinal Chemistry 1, Natural Product Chemistry
4th grade: Basic Pharmacy 2 (Chemistry), Drug Development
5th grade: Forefront of Pharmacy 3
6th grade: General Lecture 2 (Chemistry), General Seminar

The instructors
Professor, Tetsuta Oshitari
Associate Professor, Hidetsugu Tabata
Assistant Professor, Yuka Takahashi

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory

Main research contents
Research to capture the potential of vitamin D derivatives as pharmaceuticals in a new phase

Laboratory introduction
In our laboratory, we are in charge of "organic chemistry" education for second graders through lectures in the morning and pharmacy training in the afternoon. The second graders start learning more about the addition reaction of alkene that we learned in high school, and advance to the world of chemistry that carbon and oxygen create, such as chemistry of aromatic compounds like benzene, substitution reaction and desorption reaction of alkyl halide, hydroxy group and ether bond, and the carbonyl group of aldehydes and ketones. By learning the reactions used in the chemical synthesis of pharmaceuticals and the basic properties of functional groups contained in pharmaceuticals, we focus on developing scientific capabilities that should be demonstrated as pharmacists in the medical field in the future.
In terms of research, vitamin D derivatives are currently used clinically as therapeutic agents for osteoporosis, psoriasis, secondary hyperparathyroidism, etc., but we also focus on anticancer effects, immunomodulatory effects, and effects on the brain and nervous system. We conduct research aiming for the world's first novel derivative structure with remarkable efficacy without side effects.

The instructor
Professor Rie Fujishima
Senior Assistant Professor Masashi Takano

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory

Life Pharmacy Course

Main research contents
Research to clarify the brain mechanism of memory and learning at the molecular level

Laboratory introduction
In our laboratory, we are conducting research to elucidate the intracerebral mechanism of memory and learning at the molecular level. In terms of education, we are in charge of lectures such as "Molecular Biology" and "Immunity / Microbiology" and pharmacy practice 7 "Opportunistic Infection and Molecular Biology Testing". In "Molecular Biology", students acquire the structure and function of genes, which are the programs of life, basic knowledge about metabolism, and skills and attitudes related to genetic manipulation. In "Immune / Microbiology", students learn the structure and properties of bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., the immune system that protects you from these pathogenic microorganisms, and typical diseases and drugs. In "Opportunistic Infection and Molecular Biological Testing", students detect the bacteria that acquired resistance to antibiotics by molecular biological methods, and experienced what they learned in lectures through experiments.

The instructor
Professor Koichi Homma
Associate Professor Naoya Aoki
Senior Assistant Professor Chihiro Mori

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Pathological Molecular Biology Laboratory

Main research contents
Exploring the functions of genes involved in gastric formation, cancer, and obesity, and trying to elucidate the mechanism

Laboratory introduction
Some people may think that the chemistry that synthesizes medicines is the main thing when it comes to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. But it is more important for pharmacists to understand "how a drug works" than to know a drug as a compound.
The faculty members of our laboratory are in charge of lectures and practical training courses related to biology and biochemistry, which are the basis for understanding "how medicines work" from the first grade. Therefore, we strive every day to give lectures and practical training that can be understood immediately after becoming pharma-science students and that will be useful even after becoming pharmacists.

The instructors
Professor, Shinji Yamaguchi
Associate Professor, Fumiko Negishi
Assistant Professor, Toshiyuki Fujita

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Basic Biology Laboratory

Main research contents
Research on the response mechanism of living organisms to environmental chemical substances, especially harmful and essential heavy metals

Laboratory introduction
Humans ingest and excrete various chemical substances in the environment from food, water and air. Some of them are necessary nutrients but some are harmful, and even medical drugs are detected in the environment and become a problem. In other words, chemical substances circulate in the global environment through the human body, and the environment and humans are inseparably integrated. Based on this concept, our laboratory is in charge of lectures on the environment such as "Science of Life and Environment" and "Environmental Hygiene". In addition, we investigate at the genetic level how the cells of living organisms respond to zinc which is an essential mineral as an environmental chemical, and cadmium and mercury which are harmful heavy metals, with the aim of clarifying their biological significance. Students in the 4th grade and above are participating in the graduation research.

The instructors
Professor, Hideki Yamamoto
Assistant Professor, Taei Shimoyama

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Environmental Hygiene Laboratory

Main research contents
Studies on the effects of phospholipid metabolism on cell function and bioactive substances derived from phospholipids

Laboratory introduction
The discipline "Biochemistry" is a study that seeks to understand the works of life at the molecular level. All the events that occur in the body are made up of the involvement (interaction and reaction) of various molecules (biomolecules). Medicine is also a molecule and acts by intervening in the reaction of biomolecules. Therefore, biochemistry is the most basic and important discipline that forms the basis for a deeper understanding of the effects of life and medicine.
At the Biochemistry Laboratory, we are focusing on lipids among biomolecules. It is learned in various lectures on pharmacy that lipids are not only as nutrients but also related to various phenomena and diseases that are important for living organisms. The research theme of the biochemistry class is "to clarify the mechanism of life phenomena and diseases through metabolism of phospholipids and lysophospholipids".

The instructors
Professor, Jun Yamashita
Senior Assistant Professor, Yoko Sasaki
Assistant Professor, Naoki Matsumoto

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Biochemistry Laboratory

Main research contents
We conduct research on the relationship between the physiological functions and pathological conditions of new bioactive lipids such as 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) found in our laboratory.

Laboratory introduction
Sanitary chemistry is a chemistry that "protects life" and prevents various diseases caused by various substances and pathogens contained in foods and drinking water ingested in the body, and a field of hygiene and pharmacy which aims to maintain and promote human health.
In our laboratory, there are lectures on nutrition chemistry in the 2nd grade and hygiene chemistry in the 3rd grade. In nutrition chemistry, students learn about the metabolism and function of nutrients contained in foods, and the current intake of nutrients in Japan. In sanitary chemistry, students learn about food poisoning, food additives, and foods with health function. As a practical training, there is a part of pharmacy training 6 in the 3rd grade. In addition, there is also a part of the special lecture on hygiene and pharmacy in the 4th grade and the general lecture 4 "Hygiene" in the 6th grade.

The instructors
Professor, Yoichiro Arata
?Associate Professor, Saori Oka
Assistant Professor, Mayumi Tamura

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Sanitary Chemistry Laboratory

Main research contents
Analysis of the mechanism of adverse effects caused by drug poisons

Laboratory introduction
Toxicology is the field of science of the effects of natural and chemical substances to living organisms. In today's world of chemical substances, knowledge of their health effects is indispensable as a pharmacist. In our lecture (toxicology), students learn about the pharmacokinetics of chemical substances, the mechanism of adverse effects and test methods, and the law that regulates chemical substances. In addition, in the student training, students will deepen their understanding through experiments on detection methods for harmful metals, harmful gases, pesticides, stimulants, etc. For students assigned to the laboratory, through the process of reading English dissertations in their specialized fields, conducting experiments on given research themes, and compiling graduation thesis, theoretical thinking ability, problem-finding / problem-solving ability, and self-improvement. I am cultivating my abilities.

The instructors
Professor, Toshihide Suzuki
Associate Professor, Kayoko Kita
Senior Assistant Professor, Taro Homma

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Toxicology Laboratory

Medical Pharmacy Course

Main research contents

  • Development and improvement of the "EXiLE method" allergy testing method using cultured cells
  • Elucidation of the role of HLA types in the development of severe side effects and application to the prediction of their development
  • Elucidation of the role of intracellular lipid metabolism in bacterial infection
  • Elucidation of the mechanism underlying the progression of malignant potential in human breast cancer cells

?Laboratory Introduction
The Bioinformatics Pharmacology Laboratory is a new laboratory established in April 2024 through the reorganization of the former "Molecular Pharmacology Laboratory." Based on cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and other techniques, our laboratory is working to elucidate biological phenomena primarily involving the immune system and develop new technologies. With regard to the results, especially new technologies, we aim to achieve harmony between people and society based on the idea of regulatory science. In terms of teaching, we are responsible for pharmaceutical-related laws and regulations (PMD Act) and pharmaceutical informatics, as well as practical training and seminars related to formulation and pharmacology.

The instructor
Professor Ryosuke Nakamura
Senior Assistant Professor Kazuya Tanikawa

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Website Bioinformatics Pharmacology Laboratory

Main Research Topics
Research into eye diseases (cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration). Elucidation of the pathogenesis of eye disease using animal models and structure-activity relationship research into eye disease treatments using natural products as drug discovery leads. Development of novel treatments for severe drug-induced SJS/TEN.

Laboratory introduction

Lecturers: Yoshiki Miyata (Associate Professor) "Radiopharmacy (2nd year, second semester)", "Pathology and Pharmacology 6 (2nd year, second semester)", "Language Seminar (2nd and 3rd year)". Yoshio Kusakabe (Senior Assistant Professor) "Bioethics (1st year, first semester)", "Human Communication (1st year, first semester)", "Medical Communication (2nd year, first semester)". In addition, I am in charge of student training and graduation thesis guidance.
Our laboratory's educational policy: We provide a rich, 'roof-tile' education and research environment for students in their 4th to 6th years of laboratory membership, based on the policy of 'looking back at the path that you have taken (your seniors) while watching the path that you have taken (your juniors)'. What we want to convey is that 'the only proof that you have learned is change'. We want to foster a mind that can sense big changes even after spending just one day here. We want to share with students the importance of remaining strong in any environment.

The instructors
Associate Professor, Yoshiki Miyata
Senior Assistant Professor, Yoshio Kusakabe
Assistant Professor, Satoshi Tanizu

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory

Main research contents

  • Peroxisome disease, as a congenital lipid metabolism disease
  • Arteriosclerosis foam cells

Laboratory introduction
Pharmaceutics is a study that deals with what dosage form (tablets, capsules, ointments, injections, etc.) should be selected for a drug to show its efficacy, and how to maintain the drug concentration in the body. Of these, in the physical pharmaceutics conducted by our laboratory, students learn about the physical properties that are the basis of various dosage forms and modifications. Specifically, we research the properties of powder, the rate of drug dissolution, the viscosity of the ointment, and the stability of the drug. By mastering physics pharmaceutics, students may find that it is really skillfully applied to the basis of drug handling in the medical field. The goal is to be able to dispense based on theory in this way. The lectures is given in the first half of the 2nd grade, and the practical training is given in the second half.

The instructors
Professor, Kazuaki Yokoyama
Associate Professor, Kotaro Hama
Senior Assistant Professor, Yuko Fujiwara

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Physics Pharmaceutics Laboratory

Main research contents
Research aimed at preventing lifestyle-related diseases by focusing on food

Laboratory introduction
In our laboratory, we aim to train "pharmacists who have the ability to solve various problems that occur in the medical field" and provide guidance. In particular, in graduation thesis research, we instruct students by the aim of developing their own plans, finding problems, and acquiring the ability to deal with them. In addition, in order to make people feel the importance of working as a team, we also practice activities in groups that are organized beyond the boundaries of the grade, with acceptance of other's opinions and ideas, and expression of their own opinions together. In the lecture, we teach information on lifestyle-related diseases, blood and hormonal diseases and medicines used for these diseases, and convey the significance of clinical tests, and contribute to the establishment of knowledge base for drug treatment.

The instructor
Professor Genichi Atsumi
Senior Assistant Professor Masaki Saito
Assistant Professor Kenichi Ishibashi

Related Links
Fculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Pathophysiology Laboratory

Main research contents
Creation of seranostics system by bubble formulation and ultrasonic wave
(THE RANOSTICS is a phrase consisting of Therapeutics (treatment) and Diagnostics (diagnosis), and both treatment and diagnosis are performed at the same time.)

Laboratory introduction
We are in charge of lectures on biopharmaceutics (the 3rd grade) and drug discovery (the 4th grade). The content of the lecture is about a high-tech drug called drug delivery system (DDS) in technical term, which controls the movement of medicine in the body. For example, it finds the location of cancer and aiming at it with medicines to treat it, sends genes to kill cancer, or boosts one's own immune system to overcome cancer. In addition, we explain the development of a system that can diagnose and treat at the same time using DDS technology. Young ideas are very important here. Knowledge of DDS becomes more and more important for the pharmacists students aim to become.

The instructors
Professor, Ryo Suzuki
Senior Assistant Professor, Daiki Omata
Assistant Professor, Risa Munakata

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Drug Delivery Laboratory

Main research contents
Research aimed at elucidating the mechanism of drug transfer to the human brain and individualizing appropriate treatment of central therapeutic agents

Laboratory introduction
Our laboratory is in charge of lectures on pharmacokinetics that quantitatively analyze the in vivo fate (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion) of drugs. Pharmacokinetics is a discipline necessary to maximize the effects of drugs and avoid side effects, and is widely applied to the development of drugs and the proper use of drugs in clinical practice. In pharmacy practical training, we are in charge of training to learn the role of pharmacists in Team Medical Care, such as creating administration plans according to the individual patient's condition. Through such lectures, practical training, and research activities, we strive to develop human resources with problem-solving abilities and to develop pharmacists with scientific viewpoints.

The brain has a blood-brain barrier that separates it from blood and protects it from drugs and poisons.
The transfer of drugs to the brain is controlled by the function of the transport system of the blood-brain barrier. In our laboratory, we conduct research to elucidate the function of the blood-brain barrier and the mechanism of drug transport to aim to develop next-generation drugs and to use them individually and appropriately. In addition, we also research on clinical pharmacokinetics based on the brain transfer mechanism of opioid analgesics.

The instructors
Professor, Yoshiyuki Kubo
Assistant Professor, Toshiki Kurosawa

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory

Main Research Topics
Our research focuses on elucidating the mechanisms of various causes of blood coagulation disorders and cancer malignancy.

Laboratory Introduction
In lectures and exercises, students are responsible for topics such as digestive disorders, cancer, and immune disorders. Specifically, students learn about the characteristics and treatments of digestive disorders such as those of the esophagus, stomach, large intestine, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver, as well as cancers of various organs and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, in the student practical training, students will apply the knowledge gained in lectures and exercises to learn about what cancer is and the effects of drugs on cancer, with a focus on cancer and anti-cancer drugs. Both of these diseases have a large number of patients, so the goal is to acquire a wide range of knowledge in this field in order to contribute to medical care as a pharmacist.

The instructor
Professor Naoki Okura
Senior Assistant Professor Riyo Kamata

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Biodefense Laboratory

Clinical Pharmacy Course

Main research contents

  • Research into the mechanism of chronic pain and therapeutic drugs
  • Research into the mechanisms of mental disorders (depression and autism) and therapeutic drugs
  • Research into the mechanism of cancer cachexia and therapeutic drugs

Laboratory Introduction
The Pharmacology Laboratory is dedicated to the education and research of "pharmacology." "Pharmacology" is a field of study that comprehensively studies the "mechanisms by which drugs work," including where, how, and what effects drugs exert. A wide range of knowledge about pharmacology is essential for working as a drug professional after graduation.
The ultimate goal of research in the Pharmacology Laboratory is to find answers to the question of why various types of pain people experience arise through the analysis of brain function. Our laboratory's motto is "research is fun" and "if it's not fun, it's not research," and we are working to develop treatments for brain diseases.

The instructor
Professor Masahiro Ohsawa
Assistant Professor Kazuto Sagoori

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Pharmaceutical Efficacy Analysis Laboratory

Main research contents
Study on the effects (main effects and side effects) of drugs acting on the nervous system and the mechanism of their expression

Laboratory introduction
Our laboratory locates on the 7th floor of the Itabashi Campus of University Building in Jujo, and is in charge of lectures on pharmacology and physiology. And we are also in charge of practicing pharmacology using animals.
We conduct the following research mainly in the 5th grade students assigned to our laboratory.
(1) Comparative study of anticholinergic effects as side effects of drugs
(2) Study on the effects of anticholinergic drugs at the neuromuscular junction
(3) Research on the mechanism of dyskinesia expression and its overcoming, which is one of the problems in drug treatment of Parkinson's disease.

The instructor
Professor Kenji Sakamoto
Associate Professor
Senior Assistant Professor Yayoi Tsuneoka

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Pharmaceutical Actions Laboratory

Main Research Topics
Research on uric acid and purines

Laboratory Introduction Lecture: Functional Morphology
Lecture: Pharmaceutical Biology
Lecture: Symptoms and medication
Practical Training Pharmacy Practical Training 2: Biological System Practical Training (Tissue Anatomy)
Practical training: Observation of human anatomy
Practical training Graduation research

The instructor
Professor Makoto Hosoyamada
Senior Assistant Professor Masaru Doshi
Senior Assistant Professor Kazuki Terada

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Human Body Function Morphology Laboratory

Main Research Topics
Basic and clinical research centered on "pharmaceutical science"

Laboratory Introduction
One of the missions of a pharmacist is to "protect patients from the risks of medication." Pharmacology is highly compatible with research by pharmacists, and is thought to contribute to appropriate drug therapy that avoids side effects. Furthermore, the medical field is no exception to the progress of social and technological transformation due to digital technology. We believe that incorporating data science that utilizes medical big data into pharmacology and research that combines basic research and clinical research can advance medical research. We aim to develop pharmacology research that utilizes the medical information that pharmacists generate every day, and to create evidence that is useful for medical care together with pharmacists.

The instructor
Professor Takashi Okura
Senior Assistant Professor Shimako Tanaka
Assistant Professor Eriko Nakatani

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Pharmaceuticals Laboratory

Main research contents

  • In silico prediction of the effects of food and concomitant medications on drug absorption
  • Visualization of anticancer drug side effects using side effect mapping
  • Development of a drug excretion prediction model using structure-activity relationships and machine learning
  • Analysis of drug side effect database and prescription data
  • Study on thromboembolism in patients using antipsychotics
  • Searching for drugs that affect the progression and development of breast cancer

Laboratory Introduction
In the Clinical Pharmacy Laboratory, we focus on clinical problems related to pharmaceuticals and conduct research to solve them using data science methods such as big data analysis and machine learning. Furthermore, we conduct joint research with basic science laboratories and School of Medicine, and conduct research that bridges the gap from basic science to clinical practice.
In addition to research, students are guided in their graduation research by holding seminars to introduce new drugs and research presentations, aiming to improve their presentation and discussion skills. In addition, the faculty members of our laboratory have clinical experience as hospital pharmacists, and they support students to become "indispensable medical professionals."

The instructor
Professor Machiko Watanabe
Professor Fumio Itagaki
Assistant Professor Tae Maejima

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Clinical Pharmaceutics Laboratory

Laboratory introduction
In the Hospital Pharmacy Laboratory, Professor, Associate Professor, and Senior Assistant Professor concurrently serve as the director or deputy director of the pharmacy department of Teikyo University Hospital. Therefore, we aim to improve the clinical ability of pharmacists who can respond to the transition of medical care in the future by providing education directly connected to medical sites such as hospitals and exploring research themes.
Regarding education, in addition to the conventional dispensing ,formulation and drug management operations, as drug therapy has become more sophisticated with the progress of medical technology, we aim to educate pharmacists who can demonstrate sufficient expertise in the medical field as a member of Team Medical Care. In other words, we aim to educate pharmacists who can independently intervene in improving the quality of drug treatment by proper use of drugs, ensuring medical safety.?
Regarding research, we collaborate with pharmacists, doctors and co-medical staff in clinical site to search for pharmacist-led clinical research, and conduct research and guidance on issues that are appropriate for medical site. In addition, we conduct practical education and research guidance for the training of medical personnel who is responsible for regional Team Medical Care in collaboration with hospital and pharmacy pharmacists (pharmaceutical collaboration). Through these education and research, we as pharmaceutical experts would like to contribute to society and train pharmacists who are expected and trusted by patients and medical staff.

The instructor
Professor Nobuhiro Yasuno
Associate Professor Kawamura
Associate Professor Tamaki Watanabe
Associate Professor Yukie Nagase
Associate Professor Rie Minami
Assistant Professor Tomoyo Okudaira

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Site : Hospital Pharmacy Laboratory

Laboratory Introduction
Our laboratory was established in April 2018 as the "Community Medical Pharmacy" laboratory. In the Model Core Curriculum for Pharmaceutical Education (revised in 2022), the importance of cultivating humanity and sociality as a pharmacist and deepening awareness of the relationship between people, society, and pharmacists was pointed out, and the section on "Society and Pharmacy" was revised, and the name was changed to "Social Pharmacy" from 2024. As we enter a super-aging society, Japan is promoting the construction of a comprehensive community care system, and the work of pharmacists is also in a period of change. Community medicine is medical care in the place of people's daily lives, and pharmacists are required to centrally and continuously grasp information such as patients' medication status in cooperation with other professions and related institutions, and to implement optimal pharmaceutical management and guidance based on it. In order to solve such problems, our laboratory is engaged in the following research.

  • Establishment of collaborative methods between pharmacies and medical institutions based on Protocol Based Pharmacotherapy Management (PBPM), and evaluation research of outcomes
  • Research on the geographical distribution of pharmacists
  • Research on pharmacokinetics and drug efficacy or toxicity in pathological conditions

The instructor
Specially Appointed Professor Masato Yasuhara
Senior Assistant Professor Takahito Ando

Related Links
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Website Social Pharmacy Laboratory

Pharmacy Education Promotion Center

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The instructor
Professor Yoshiharu Deguchi