
Education in the Faculty of Science and Engineering
Education in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

We thoroughly educate students about "Practical learning" acquiring logical thinking through actual practices

Under our university's Educational Guidelines called "Practical learning", Faculty of Science and Engineering thoroughly educates students about Practical learning acquiring logical thinking through actual practices. In order to realize the philosophy, a high-quality curriculum is created by faculty members with abundant experiences. Efforts crossing faculties and departments are being made and Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration projects have also begun.

You can achieve synergetic effect of “One’s way”" x "Practical learning education" by studying at the Faculty of Science and Engineering

You can achieve synergetic effect of “One’s way”" x "Practical learning education" by studying at the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Teikyo University's Educational Philosophy of "“One’s way”" is to find a place where you can do what you want to do and demonstrate your individuality. In order to do so, it is important to realize how one's learning can be useful in society through a variety of experiences. The Faculty of Science and Engineering has many faculty members who have conducted practical research at companies. They help students prepare qualification examinatoin for the Automobile Technology in the Department of Mechanical and Precision Systems for the Second-Class Auto Mechanic National Examination. Also, through high-quality "Practical learning" unique to our school, we set up a course for students to obtain qualifications such as the Department of Department of Aerospace Engineering Helicopter Pilot Course. At our school, students can find their own aptitude and what they really want to do.

Diverse faculty with various specialties

We have teachers who mastered manufacturing in the private sector, faculty members with abundant research achievements overseas, faculty members who are attracting attention from various fields for cutting-edge technology research, and faculty members who have built a career as captains of airliners Faculty of Science and Engineering. The faculty is truly multi-faceted. Based on the enthusiasm of these faculty members for human resource development, Teikyo University's Educational Guidelines "Practical learning" "International perspectives" and "Open mindedness" take shape.

Photo by Ken Senior Assistant Professor

Senior Assistant Professor Takeshi Yamane (Department of Information and Electronic Engineering)

Completed the doctoral course at the Graduate School Systems and Information Engineering of University of Tsukuba, and obtained credits for the Cybernics program at the same university. After working as a Senior Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Informatics of Aichi Shukutoku University, he has been working at the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering of Teikyo University since 2011.
Classes in charge include applied programming 1, robot sensing, etc. His specialties are intellectual information processing, soft computing, and human assistance technology.

Photograph of Associate Professor Takae Hirasawa
Associate Professor Takae Hirasawa (Department of Biosciences)

Completed doctoral course at Japan Women's University Graduate School. After working as a researcher at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, and as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, she has been working in the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University since 2014.
Classes in charge include developmental biology. Her specialties are neuroscience and neurophysiology.

Initiatives for collaboration between faculties and departments

Collaboration between faculties and departments

Utsunomiya campass provides close cooperation between faculties and departments, including the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the faculty of economics of the liberal arts department, the Department of Regional Economics Faculty of Economics, Department of Judo Therapy of the Faculty of Medical Technology. For example, the "Aviation Industry Theory" of the Faculty of Science and Engineering is an open curriculum system that many students of the Department of Regional Economics take, and it is a place for learning beyond the faculty. In the Sky Project, which won the 4th place in the human-powered propeller distance category of the "Birdman Contest 2013", the Department of Aerospace Engineering played a central role in the design and production of the aircraft, and the Department of Judo Therapy fully supported the pilot training. Utsunomiya is a region with many aerospace-related companies and automobile-related companies. Industry-academia collaboration rooted in the region has begun.

Inter-faculty / department joint research project