
Flight Dynamics Laboratory (Yoneda Hiroshi Laboratory)
Flight Dynamics Laboratory (Yoneda Hiroshi Laboratory)

Hiroshi Yoneda

In our laboratory, as part of our graduation research, we will learn about flight dynamics, stable maneuverability, and aircraft systems in general for fixed-wing aircraft by conducting research and analysis of aircraft, design studies, and experiments using radio-controlled aircraft. .. We are also considering joint research with JAXA and others. We do not have a definite plan yet, but we would like to start practical training through the design and manufacture of actual testing machines. In terms of education, I am in charge of aircraft mechanics, aerospace measurement, and aerodynamics 1 (second grade) in lectures by undergraduate students, and I am providing education that will lead to the acquisition of basic knowledge necessary for the aerospace field. Although this knowledge is mainly in the field of aircraft, the approach to the problem and the examination process are widely useful in the fields of automobiles, railways, and other specialized fields that are different from the aerospace field.

Basic Information

Faculty name/Affiliation 米田洋 / 理工学部航空宇宙工学科
Specialized Fields Flight guidance control, aircraft mechanics
Research theme Research mainly on flight dynamics, performance, stable maneuverability, and aircraft systems of fixed-wing aircraft
Research keywords Aircraft mechanics, aircraft maneuvering, flight control, navigation guidance control system, unmanned aerial vehicle system
Faculty introduction URL https://www3.med.teikyo-u.ac.jp/profile/ja.b0fa48c562b4e180.html

Our Research

Research on pinpoint automatic landing in restricted areas of small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles

Multirotor aircraft are extremely easy to maneuver and can take off and land even in narrow spaces, but they also have the weakness of a flight time of about 15 minutes. In that respect, fixed-wing aircraft are much longer and can fly far, but they are not as easy to take off and land as multicopters.
The neck of the fixed-wing aircraft is on landing. If you can approach a narrow place at a steep angle and make a soft landing automatically, it will be as easy as a multicopter.
In this research, aiming for a simple aircraft configuration, avoiding VTOL, based on deep stall landing, formulating an aircraft configuration that safely and reliably carries out automatic flight to soft landing while using power, and pinpoint automatic landing. We are studying and demonstrating the underlying guidance algorithm.

Experimental study of paper plane maneuver

Having a connection, I had the opportunity to challenge the paper plane confrontation twice on NHK General TV's "Incredible Skills!" Both times, instead of competing for performance such as glide ratio and flight time, it was a course where you had to fly to the right and left as if the pilot was flying a paper plane.
The Reynolds number of a paper airplane is characterized by the fact that the pitching moment bends non-linearly depending on the angle of attack due to the behavior of the exfoliating vesicles on the upper surface of the wing. Utilizing this, the center of gravity is adjusted so that there are two points of trim angle of attack, high speed and low speed, and a paper airplane that changes the turning direction during flight by making full use of dihedral angle, receding angle, stub tilt, etc. It was realized.

Introducing the FacultyThis section introduces details about the research and the passionate thoughts around the research.

Introduction of Professor Hiroshi Yoneda

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