
Activity report
Activity report

TEIKYO SDGs reportWorld-Class Social Education System

――Bottom-up of society starting from public health ――

3 Health and welfare for all4 High quality education for everyone6 Safe water and toilets around the world11 Creating a town where you can continue to live17 Achieve your goals in partnership

3 Health and welfare for all4 High quality education for everyone6 Safe water and toilets around the world11 Creating a town where you can continue to live17 Achieve your goals in partnership

Photograph of Professor Hideki Yamamoto

Teikyo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory of Environmental Health Professor Hideki Yamamoto

Completed the Graduate School of Public Health, Harvard University in 1994, and served as Teaching Associate, Senior Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor at Okayama University until 2011. While working, he served as the secretary general and deputy representative of AMDA (Asian Doctors Liaison Council) and participated in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake relief activities, an overseas refugee relief project. 1998-2000 Engaged in the Zambia Primary Healthcare Project of JICA (International Cooperation Organization) and carried out participatory public health activities with residents of poor areas in Lusaka, the capital of the Republic of Zambia.

Since 2005, he has been in charge of "Environmental Education to Protect Life" and "UNESCO Chair Program (ESD)" at the Graduate School Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Okayama University. In April 2011, he was appointed as the Professor of Teikyo University with the establishment of the Public Health Graduate School of Teikyo University. He has been involved in the Master of Public Health (MPH) program, which trains international public health professionals. In April 2020, he was transferred to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Environmental Health Laboratory, aiming to train pharmacists who can play an active role in the local community with a public health mindset.

To summarize this report ...

  • Japan has achieved the world's top level "public health". The existence of "public halls" that are widespread throughout Japan contributed greatly to the process.
  • Japan's "public health" has made dramatic progress as "social education", which considers the issues of garbage and sewerage accumulated in the region as a whole, has permeated.
  • In particular, UNESCO has been developing CLC (Community Learning Center) modeled after Japanese public halls in Asian countries since the 1990s.
  • In modern times, it is believed that this social education and community center system has the potential to contribute significantly to the development of a sustainable society as advocated by the SDGs.
  • In Itabashi Ward, where Teikyo University is located, social education activities are active in the area. It is highly evaluated in the world. Around this point, the challenge to the future has begun, in which the university and the community collaborate to solve social issues.

Public health and social education

Today, the world is heavily affected by the new coronavirus infection. The battle between humankind and infectious diseases (plague) has continued from ancient times to the present. One of the prerequisites for a healthy society is the health of consumers. The important concept of "public health" lives here. For example, how to solve the problem of garbage that causes infectious diseases? How to improve the sanitary environment by water and sewage? How do you think about food to keep your mind and body healthy at home? While solving each of these issues, humankind has aimed to build a society that is resistant to infectious diseases. In particular, Japan has the world's highest level of life expectancy and low infant mortality rate, which are typical indicators of public health, and it is said that infectious diseases are less likely to cause explosive infections when compared to the rest of the world. It is also evaluated as one of the countries where public health and health care are perfect.

Extraordinary wisdom is poured into its realization. Local cooperation (resident participation) was indispensable as well as national efforts. The key is social education. Especially highly regarded in the world is the social education system that uses the "public hall" as a platform in modern Japan. After World War II, infectious diseases such as poverty, malnutrition, and tuberculosis were widespread in Japan, and the health care system was not sufficient. Under these circumstances, local residents play the roles of love education committee members, health committee members, life improvement committee members, nutrition improvement committee members, etc. in the local community, and make use of the public halls set up in the local community to improve public health through the learning of local residents. The development of various useful activities (“flies-free town development”, “life improvement campaign”, “salt reduction campaign”, etc.) in various regions has led to an increase in awareness of public health activities in the region.

City landscape photography

A rare process in the world

It was the existence of the GHQ (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers), which was established to implement Japan's occupation policy, that led to the enhancement of Japan's world-class social education system. They embark on educational reform in Japan to transform militaristic education into a democratic one. It will spread throughout Japan as school education for children and students, but from that time on, how to educate adults was an issue. What attracted attention was the existence of public facilities such as the public hall and the neighboring Hokan, which had been used since before the war.

In 1946 (Showa 21), the concept of "building public halls in various places" (Teranaka concept), which was proposed by Sakuo Teranaka, the chief of the Social Education Division of the Ministry of Education at that time, was supported by GHQ and was nationwide as the Deputy Minister of Education. It was transmitted. As a result, it will be stipulated in the Social Education Act of 1949. The social education system that made use of the public hall was backed up by the law. The existence of Article 25 of the Japanese Constitution also supported this action. The article "~ has the right to live a minimum cultural life" in paragraph 1 is too famous, but in paragraph 2 "the state has social welfare and social security in all aspects of life. And we must strive to improve and promote public health. "And" public health "are described. In response to this trend, Article 1 of the national medical qualifications (Medical Practitioners Law, Dental Practitioners Law, Pharmacists Law, Public Health Nurses, midwife Nurses Law, etc.) always states "promotion and promotion of public health". That's it. This is an extremely rare process in the world.

Reflections on MDGs and Challenges of SDGs

In October 2014, the UNESCO-sponsored World Public Hall Conference (official name: Public Hall for Promoting ESD-CLC International Conference) was held in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. This is an international conference summarizing the United Nations Decade of ESD (2005-2014), and I was involved as one of the executive committee members. ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) promotes the dissemination of education necessary for society as a whole to create a sustainable society. At that time, Okayama City, in cooperation with Okayama University, was designated as a model area of the United Nations University for its efforts to utilize public halls. UNESCO, on the other hand, has been developing CLC (Community Learning Center) modeled after Japanese public halls in Asian countries since the 1990s. CLC is a facility mainly aimed at adult literacy learning and life improvement. Health and hygiene are important living issues in developing countries, and public health and social education systems are attracting worldwide attention.

One of the important themes at this conference was the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals = the predecessor of the current SDGs). It is true that the MDGs, which started in 2000, have achieved a major economic boost, especially in developing countries, and have brought about improvements in public health, such as lower infant mortality and AIDS control. However, not a few people were born who did not benefit from it. CLC was also one of the centers of that swell. The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which started with the update of MDGs in 2015, are carefully considered not to drop socially vulnerable people such as gender and minorities from the safety net. Of the 17 goals set by the SDGs, Goal 3 is "Health and Welfare for All" and Goal 4 is "Quality Education for Everyone". Building a sustainable social foundation through collaboration between social education and public health involving local communities, as represented by public health activities at public halls, is recognized around the world as an extremely important theme. ..

Photograph of a meeting of senior citizens in CL in Africa / Zambia / Lusaka
At a meeting of senior citizens in CL in Africa / Zambia / Lusaka (March 2015)
Photograph of CLC International Conference in Okayama
CLC International Conference in Okayama City (October 2014)

World model from Itabashi

At the World Public Hall Conference, I had an encounter that was the basis of the activities I am currently practicing at Teikyo University. At the meeting, the case of Itabashi-ku's NPO Volunteer / Citizenship Learning Promotion Center Itabashi was taken up as an excellent example of Japan, and I had the opportunity to get to know the people of the citizens' groups. Itabashi Ward is within the top 10 in the SDGs national municipality ranking, and is No. 1 among the municipalities in Tokyo. There are many civic groups such as NPOs, and their activities are active. Our university has a medical campus in Itabashi Ward and holds various human resources. We signed a comprehensive agreement in 2014 and have a good relationship. The Emergency Lifesaving Course, Department of Sport and Medical Science Faculty of Medical Technology has already participated in local disaster prevention drills and is focusing on building networks. In addition, in the laboratory of Associate Professor Yasuhito Tanma (currently Chiba University) of the Faculty of Education on the Hachioji Campus, he gave advice as an expert on social education activities at the adjacent Hino City public hall, and seminar students worked with the residents on the public hall. I am participating in. If the specialized research results of the faculty members of this university, which is a comprehensive university, are shared in the region, it may lead to economic revitalization and the creation of new entrepreneurs.

The "SDGs Itabashi Gathering" was held in March 2019, and I participated as a caretaker. Since one year before this association, we have participated in the environmental improvement project for implementing social education and activities promoted by Itabashi Ward. The meeting was held for the purpose of sharing reports and possibilities, and exchanged information on energetic discussions and efforts. In July of the same year, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization was held at Teikyo University. The SDGs are set as the core theme of the organization, which is aiming to be established in 2021, and the construction of new existence value as a university will be strongly promoted. The basic public health stance that improving the community ultimately improves the health of consumers can be applied to all aspects of society. If we can build a new advanced case of "regionally rooted SDGs" in the area of Itabashi by making the best use of Japan's public health and social education system, which is drawing attention from all over the world, Itabashi will become a "mecca for SDGs". I am confident that it will lead to a great presence in the world.

Photograph with NPO representative and Mayor Itabashi (far right) at "SDGs Itabashi Gathering"

With NPO representative and Mayor Itabashi (far right) at "SDGs Itabashi Gathering"