
Activity report
Activity report

TEIKYO SDGs reportEnergy Conservation as Culture

――Skills and culture nurtured by problem solving ――

4 High quality education for everyone7 Energy for everyone and clean9 Let's lay the foundation for industry and technological innovation13 Take concrete measures against climate change

4 High quality education for everyone7 Energy for everyone and clean9 Let's lay the foundation for industry and technological innovation13 Take concrete measures against climate change

Photo of Tadashi Ishino

Tadashi Ishino, Facility Division, Headquarters (Energy Manager)

The Headquarters Facilities Division is an organization that manages the fixed assets of the university, reports the school building, maintains the facilities and equipment of the university, and is in charge of new buildings and large-scale renovation work. In addition, we are taking measures for energy saving and global warming countermeasures from the perspective of FM * (facility management).

To summarize this report ...

  • In 2015, Teikyo University's energy conservation measures reached a milestone. It became the most important issue to work seriously and achieve results seriously.
  • Under the strong leadership of the President, a specialized team will be set up and actions will begin on the premise of "achieving energy conservation without degrading the educational environment of students and the quality of medical services."
  • With the goal of being certified as a "quasi-top-level business establishment" in the "top-level business establishment certification system" promoted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we have begun a detailed self-analysis.
  • Visualize qualitative efforts as quantitative numerical values. Next, communicate specific action guidelines to stakeholders and request their cooperation. Finally, while analyzing the behavior numerically, we created a guideline for the next behavior.
  • The effect is immediate and the energy saving target is achieved one after another. Since it is visualized as a numerical value, it has created new motivation for stakeholders and has become a code of conduct. A new culture for energy has been fostered.
  • Through the energy-saving activities of Teikyo University, the essential action know-how required by the SDGs to "make use of the existing ones to create a sustainable future" has been accumulated. It is leading to new possibilities for creating the future.

Awareness fostered by creating a system

Photo of Tadashi Ishino

I transferred to Teikyo University in 2015. At that time, Teikyo University had the task of achieving the CO 2 emission reduction obligations imposed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on large-scale business establishments. Therefore, an energy conservation promotion team for the entire Teikyo University was established, led by President Okinaga. As an energy manager in my previous job, I was working on energy conservation activities at a major company, so as a project leader, I first started to improve the system.

When working on new things in an organization, it is extremely important to create the first system. On the site of the Itabashi Campus, not only the university buildings and the hospital attached to the Faculty of School of Medicine, but also various facilities such as the corporate headquarters, Teikyo Kindergarten, and Teikyo Senior Nursing School Academy, which is a vocational school for training nurses, are adjacent. In order to promote energy saving, in addition to each management department of these facilities, a mechanism and cooperation system to share necessary information for the "whole" including stakeholders such as companies requesting facility management and tenant companies in the facility. Need to be built. Under the strong leadership of the President, the university immediately established a specialized organization called the FM * (facility management) team, and an energy-saving promotion system with a system in which information is distributed to all managers of each organization through the FM team. It was built. In addition, the clear condition of "achieving energy conservation without degrading the educational environment for students and the quality of medical services" was first given. With this, promotion of energy saving (CO 2 reduction) is recognized as an issue that should be tackled throughout the campus, and the significance of regular meetings and briefings has become clear.

The importance of "knowing yourself"

Photo of Tadashi Ishino

Next, we conducted an energy-saving diagnosis to understand the current situation and an energy-saving simulation based on about 20,000 points of data. What became clear was the reality that the energy conservation measures at that time alone did not reach the target reduction obligation amount. In addition, the university has just invested in the latest equipment, and it is essential to find ways to improve it while making use of existing equipment. As a result, it is important to achieve the goal by "utilizing the existing". Therefore, we focused on the "top-level establishment certification system" promoted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

If it is recognized that the business meets the standards set by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a "business establishment with a particularly excellent degree of promotion of global warming countermeasures (excellent specified global warming countermeasure business establishment)", this is the CO 2 of the target business establishment. It is a mechanism to reduce the reduction obligation rate according to the degree of promotion of measures against global warming. Necessary action items are divided into three evaluation items (required items, general items, and points to be added) according to the importance and difficulty level. After being verified by a third party and on-site verification by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government based on the certification guidelines, you can be certified as a "top-level establishment" or "quasi-top-level establishment" according to the evaluation points of each item. It's not easy to get. Strict goals are set and the difficulty level is extremely high. However, not facing each other just because it is strict is synonymous with giving up on climate change mitigation from the beginning. Therefore, we set the common goal of acquiring certification and incorporated it into a concrete action plan to optimize the overall awareness of the people involved.

Guided by a good "ruler"

What was particularly important was the conversion of qualitative consciousness, which I had previously thought "this should be done", into quantitative data so that it could be visualized numerically. For example, when requesting a related management company to strengthen their daily work, the FM team sets a clear target number, presents an action plan, and shows the result after actually taking action. We confirmed and created a cooperative system. Now, it has been evaluated by related companies as extremely useful information and action guidelines. In addition, all classrooms are open to students at any time, which can be used for discussion and study. Even there, we made sure that air conditioning and electricity were not turned on except when necessary. Instead of putting up with it, we accumulated a small amount of waste reduction.

Since then, the cumulative value of CO 2 emissions has been steadily decreasing each year. Since the results are visualized as numbers, motivation was created in various places concerned, and a new cycle was born. Until now, the energy saving effect has been continuously increasing. In other words, the key was to prepare an appropriate "ruler = numerical target" here and to clearly indicate "visualization of results". In Japan, when we hear about energy conservation, we tend to be constrained in the negative direction of losing or limiting our freedom. In fact, other universities aiming for a "top-level establishment certification system" could not share within the organization how to balance the quality of the services they provide with energy saving, and abandoned the acquisition of certification. I also hear the case of doing it. Not only have we been able to reduce CO 2 emissions through various activities, but we have also acquired new skills in all processes, which has triggered the maturation of the entire organization. At the same time, awareness of the fundamental part of education that "cultivating awareness of how our actions affect the global environment is one of the roles played by educational institutions" has been strengthened. So to speak, what can be called a "new culture about energy" has taken root.

Teikyo University Itabashi Campus CO2 Emission Transition (Cumulative) Figure

Turn case studies into energy for future creation

Photograph of quasi-top level establishment certification

In March 2017, the university achieved "quasi-top-level establishment certification". Since then, it has been continuously certified until now. If we can find hints for achieving the SDGs from our efforts, it is important to establish a "code of conduct" that is effective for the global issue of energy reduction. Of course, capital investment is required, but no matter how great the equipment, it can be good or bad depending on your consciousness. However, if a high code of conduct is established, it will become a culture and energy efficiency will be permanently brushed up. You can also achieve various benefits as a set, such as self-review, fostering internal awareness, and maximizing the potential of existing hardware. Now that the shift to IT has progressed and DX has been screamed, the visualization of numbers will become even deeper depending on the idea. This can be rephrased as the "Code of Conduct for Achieving the SDGs", which is to utilize the existing ones to create a new sustainable future.

Currently, we are aiming to incorporate such efforts into educational settings as case studies and pass them on to the future. We believe that creating a new future is the process of developing human resources who can solve social issues by taking over the evolution of various activities through education, such as the evolution of organizations by solving energy-saving issues.

  • * Facility management (FM) is an "economic activity in which companies and organizations comprehensively plan, manage, and utilize facilities and their environment for organizational activities." * Definition by "Official Guide Facility Management" published in January 2018