
Activity report
Activity report

TEIKYO SDGs reportA New Form of Capitalism Driven by Students

――Possibility of a corporation that metabolizes in 2 years ――

4 High quality education for everyone8 Rewarding work and economic growth9 Let's lay the foundation for industry and technological innovation12 Responsibility to create Responsibility to use

4 High quality education for everyone8 Rewarding work and economic growth9 Let's lay the foundation for industry and technological innovation12 Responsibility to create Responsibility to use

Photograph of Mr. Kohei Senior Assistant Professor

Kohei Mitsuru, Senior Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration Faculty of Faculty of Economics, Teikyo University

Completed the doctoral program at Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Economics Kobe University in 2015. He is well versed in China's socio-economy, with a focus on innovation, economic system, and econometrics. Researcher Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Economics Kobe University (to date), Kobe University Faculty of Economics After working part-time Senior Assistant Professor, he joined Teikyo University in 2016 Faculty of Economics Department of Business AdministrationAssistant Professor. In 2019, he was appointed as a full-time Senior Assistant Professor of the same department of the same faculty. Currently, starting with the Chinese economy, social implementation of innovation, regional revitalization through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration projects, He is engaged in research on university-launched ventures and new ways of entrepreneurship education.

To summarize this report ...

  • Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration projects, it is essential not only to raise funds but also to maintain the motivation of the people involved.
  • The pure enthusiasm of the students creates a small emotion and has the effect of motivating the project.
  • Joso City, Sogo Security Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ALSOK), and Teikyo University have adopted an Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration project. is doing.
  • Basically, it is a corporation composed of students, and it envisions an extremely unique corporate form in which people are forcibly replaced in two years.
  • The corporate theme is inheritance and update of "ism". If the businesses, products, and human resources born from this can continue to provide new motivation to society, we can contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as stated by the SDGs.

Motivation mediated by "students"

Photos during the lecture
Every year, students from the Faculty of Faculty of Economics visit the Medical and Fungal Research Center, receive lectures from Professor Sekimizu, and continue to interact with each other (the photo shows the state of 2017 when the project started).

The theme that my seminar is currently tackling with the aim of regional revitalization is a study on a new form of venture education through participation in an industry Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration project that aims to develop new products as social implementation of innovation. Yogurt Project”. In particular, my encounter with Professor Kazuhisa Sekisui, director Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology, in 2017 is essential when discussing this project. When Professor Sekimizu was conducting research at the University of Tokyo in 2012, he discovered ``11/19-B1 lactic acid bacteria,'' a new lactic acid bacterium that has a higher effect on activating immune function than conventional lactic acid bacteria (here, ``11/19-B1 lactic acid bacteria''). "immunity" refers to natural immunity). After the Great East Japan Earthquake, we promoted an earthquake recovery project in collaboration with a dairy company in Fukushima Prefecture. Professor Sekimizu also has several other powerful lactic acid bacteria. In the seminar, we collaborated with Professor Hotaka Nakanishi, director Teikyo Technology Transfer Center, to create a new product from our university that utilizes Professor Sekimizu's lactic acid bacteria, and focused on making it a challenge and a place for Practical learning for students. I did.

In 2018, this seminar also started to build a sales network within the university, which also serves as research for launching a business. In 2019, with the aim of regional revitalization and agricultural promotion in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, we will utilize the "private proposal system" with ALSOK, a security company that has supported our seminar activities, and use lactic acid bacteria technology and Joso. We proposed and adopted the development of a product that combines the city's vegetables. Currently, with this project at the core, we are taking on the challenge of building a sustainable business. Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration has become widely known in society, but it is not easy to proceed. Especially in rural areas, there are many cases where the project ends when the economy fluctuates and the company withdraws, or when the national subsidy or subsidy expires, even if the temporary funding of the company or the country can be expected. increase. At the same time, it is also important for the people involved to maintain continuous motivation and secure human resources for serious commercialization. I am paying attention to "students" as being able to solve this problem.

A corporation that metabolizes in 2 years

For example, in an Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration project with Joso City, ALSOK staff and seminar students visited the site many times to conduct interviews in order to propose a project. Then, every time I go there, various people appear and provide new information, trying to help the students. I witnessed a change in the awareness of the entire project. The pure enthusiasm of the students spreads to various people and gives birth to co-creation. The materials used in the final presentation were also created mainly by two seminar students, and they also participated in the presentation. Ultimately, in collaboration with ALSOK, a proposal to create new businesses related to regional revitalization, such as planning the development of local specialty products (pickles, etc.) that combines Joso City's local resources such as non-standard vegetables and lactic acid bacteria, It was decided to be adopted by the review committee. Not only did the students gain a lot of confidence, but it was also a valuable experience that allowed them to experience the significance of their existence in Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration.

Based on this result, L Co., Ltd., a Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Administration, Nobukazu Sekimizu, was established in this seminar. Prepared to inherit ABiT in a student-centered manner at our university I got it. Students can be involved in seminars for up to two years. In other words, this corporation will have a very unique cycle in which the change of people in the organization occurs as a natural phenomenon every two years. What is important is the inheritance of "ism". In this seminar, there are some highly motivated people who voluntarily promote the project "fiercely". Students who were not very motivated at the beginning of the seminar will see the backs of their peers who for some reason work hard on the project. Then, their enthusiasm gradually propagates as a "small impression." Then, there is a culture = ism in which a small impression without the intervention of an adult becomes a "catalyst" and gradually unites the minds of the seminar students. Some people like rigor, others don't. However, "small impression" is an essence that is deep in everyone's heart and is the driving force for promoting the project. After this initiative, students will find employment in various companies. It is important whether the accumulated "ism" can be inherited and updated by the new power that changes every two years.

A platform for discovering possibilities

Currently, the center of projects and corporations is from this seminar, a woman who just graduated from our university in 2019. He was a leader in the project that started in 2017.

Photo of the recital
Graduates and active students of the Faculty of Faculty of Economics (2020) presenting the past efforts of the "Yogurt Project from Teikyo University"

The reason why I made the representative a graduate instead of a student is because I decided that it was necessary to realize a bird's-eye view of management. It is also a research to see if this system works, and even if it doesn't work, the result is "it didn't work". The role assigned to me is whether this corporation can have many opportunities. Product development requires not only knowledge about technology and business, but also knowledge about package design, for example. Regarding design, Junichi Owaki, the representative of OJAR First Class Architects Office (a part-time Senior Assistant Professor Kyoto University of the Arts), who is an up-and-coming designer, has been in charge of design supervision in collaboration with students since the start of the project. It is my mission to motivate students in the same way that they motivate the community with the help of various collaborators. In this way, a “place” for practical and Practical learning venture education with each role is created.

Our university, which has Practical learning as an Educational Guidelines, regards such a "place" of venture education as a "living teaching material" and supports it very strongly. However, a corporation called a university does not participate in management. It is mainly a logistical movement such as proposals for business models and package designs, and promotion of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration. For example, we are asking you to build a cooperative system to deploy commercialized yogurt and pickles to the shops on campus, and to consider providing support such as providing them in the school cafeteria. I would like students to make more and more use of this environment and improve their abilities. I would like students who have experienced "“One’s way”" venture education at Teikyo University to aim to become a person who can open up various issues on their own when they go out into society.

Steps to the other side of capitalism

From the perspective of the SDGs, modern society is forced to face huge social issues such as climate change and widening the gap between rich and poor due to the abuse of global resources as a result of the rise of capitalism. The protagonist of capitalism is the corporation. The search for the establishment of a corporation with a new idea is the search for the possibility of opening up the next era of capitalism. What is the value of a unique system in which all staff are students and are forced to be replaced every two years? Also, does that lead to the development of a sustainable methodology as a new corporation? I'm not exhausted. Nevertheless, the existence of a corporation that accepts and enhances the potential of individuals contributes to solving multiple issues set forth by the SDGs. As I have talked about, there are not many universities in Japan that try unique student-centered venture education, and from Teikyo University, a new venture that commercializes the solution of social issues itself is introduced to society. If you can make suggestions, you will be able to commit to more SDGs goals.

In order to publicize our activities internationally, we sent students to the booth of the Hong Kong Food Expo, the world's largest food trade fair, held in Hong Kong in 2019. I also participated in the "Kizuna Festival" that was held as a volunteer team of 3rd and 4th grade seminar students. We plan to continue to take on the challenge of developing and disseminating such projects internationally. At the same time, we are deepening discussions on how we can contribute to assistance to developing countries including Cambodia. I don't know what the students will find out. As a student, you have a wealth of choices. We should have a broad perspective, freely discuss possibilities, create small impressions with passion, and accumulate rich experiences. In the process of promoting several Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration projects, Teikyo University will continue to produce useful human resources who will move and impress more people, and contribute to the sustainability of society. I would be happy if I could contribute to the possible development.

Photograph of the Japanese booth at Hong Kong Food Expo
The Japanese booth at the Hong Kong Food Expo, where students from the Faculty of Faculty of Economics were dispatched (2019)
Photograph of participating in the "Kizuna Festival" held at the Royal University of Phnom Penh
Third and fourth year students of the Faculty of Faculty of Economics who participated in the "Kizuna Festival" held at the Royal University of Phnom Penh to learn about product planning, development and sales. We interviewed Cambodian people and sold yakitori skewers and fruit skewers produced by researching taste preferences (2020).
Photographs of 3rd and 4th year students of the Faculty of Faculty of Economics playing with children from the Cambodian Love Center (a free school that supports Cambodian children who cannot attend school due to financial reasons)
The Faculty of Faculty of Economics, where you can buy and bring gifts from the proceeds of selling food at the Kizuna Festival stand and play with the children of the Cambodian Love Center (a free school that supports children in Cambodia who cannot attend school due to financial reasons). 3rd and 4th graders

<Origin of the name of LABiT Co., Ltd.>
Adopted the abbreviation of Lactic Acid Bacteria Innovation by Teikyo as the company name. Translated literally, it is "innovation utilizing lactic acid bacteria by Teikyo University." Based on the powerful lactic acid bacteria technology of Professor Mizuhisa Seki, Head of Center for Medical and Fungal Research, Teikyo University's knowledge is cross-disciplinary and organically utilized while being implemented in society. Based on this technology, LABiT was established with the president of Nobukazu Visiting Professor, Faculty of Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Administration. We have taken over this and are now developing it into a student-centered operation, and we continue to receive guidance from Visiting Professor Nobukazu Sekimizu.